chapter 5

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I can hold my breath. I can bite my tongue.
[Shows close up of Sam's face then shows him looking like he wants to say something]

Dean frowned. Did Sam not know he can talk to him anytime? Was he not a good enough brother? He wanted to ask all these questions aloud but one glare from his father immediately stopped him.

I can stay awake for days if that's what
You want. Be your number one.
[Shows Sam with a bag on the side of the road trying to get a ride. Then shows Sam and Dean driving in the impala]

"Why were you leaving?" Charlie asked Sam, who shrugged in return not really wanting to open up about his past too much because it was too painful for him. Dean put his arm around his brother in silent comfort which Sam greatly appreciated.

I can fake a smile. I can force a laugh.
[Shows Sam smiling at something then him pranking Dean by sticking his hand to a beer bottle]

Dean playfully glared at Sam and everybody else- minus John of course laughed at the playful prank.

I can dance and play the part of that's what you ask. Give you all I am.
[Shows a younger Sam (about 12-13) laughing and dancing about with fire works going off around him, then shows him hugging Dean]

"You let your brother play with fireworks boy!" John barked at Dean who automatically sat up more. "Dad, relax it was completely safe from what I remember" Sam basically pleaded. "That doesn't matter! It's his job to protect you and from what I can see he's done a pretty shitty job at that!" John stood up as he yelled. Bobby also stood up ready to defend HIS boys if necessary. After a solid two minutes of staring each other down Ellen and Mary stepped in by grabbing both men and forcefully sitting them in their seats before sitting down themselves and turning back to the screen.

I can do it, I can do it, I can do it. But I'm only human and I bleed when I fall down.
[We see multiple close ups of Sam's face (he looks sad in all of them) then he kneeling over spitting out blood]

Mary looked at Sam with worried eyes to which he responded with a shrug and a small smile to show that it's fine.

I'm only human and I crash and I break down. Your words in my head, knives in my heart. You build Me up then I fall apart. I'm only human.

[Shows Sam in hospital clothes covering his ears clearly trying to block something out. Then it shows Sam crying then him hugging Dean]

It was silent for a few moments after the video ended. Everyone was trying to soak in the information that they had just watched. Sure they knew the boys had it tough but this- to see them this broken it was just horrible. They just hoped that maybe it might get better from here but they knew not to hope too much. After all they were Winchesters. Nothing ever went right around them.

Hey bitches!
So I'm sorry that I haven't updated recently I really need some sort of schedule lol 😸
Hope you enjoyed this chapter I certainly enjoyed writing it!
Until next time.
Laters! 🤙

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