chapter 8

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[Shows Misha in a Santa hat and there's this weird laugh. Then it shows Jensen in some sort of closet slowly reaching toward Misha then when he touches Misha's shoulder he turns around and hisses like a cat.]
"You know I was just thinking you fuckers just stood by and- (a/n I can't freaking make out what they're saying because there's too much laughing 🤣)your not my friend Brad, your not my friends"
"We get payed for this Misha"
"I have no friends here, were all pals I'll get out, I'll get out."
[Jensen hits Misha in the face with a pie and everyone is just laughing. Misha also tries to tackle Jenson]

"Is that supposed to be me?" Castiel asked in his usual gruff voice. "Yea- I think it is!" Dean said between laughs.

"Um you know, um"
[Jensen walks up and strokes Misha's face in the middle of an interview of some sort]
"He was probably younger than I am now at that point and he said listen if this show is going to be successful it's going to be because of the relationship between these two guys."
"Look at that caress that sweet caress"
"And- and, and not this guy I'll tell you what um"
[Jenson's at an interview with some lady when Misha comes and strokes his face like Jensen did before]

"Why are we so....weird?" Dean asked. Nobody really knew how to reply they didn't research alternate reality's. They weren't expecting something like this to happen at all.

[Jensen opens a fridge and gets out a chocolate cupcake and eats it, as he closes the fridge Misha is stood behind it with his hood up looking creepy]
"And it derailed again damm I thought I was gonna make it, awwee hey handsome how you doing?"
"Hey bud"
"Hey there's a party inside"
"Boo there's talking to do out here"
"Damm him!"
"I know he interrupted your whole monologue thing"
"Well it's alright it's been inturpted already by my fellow (a/n again I can't understand a thing he said after that 😂)
[Jensen turns up kisses both Jim and Misha on the cheek in the middle of ANOTHER interview before turning and walking away]

"I can't believe how affectionate other you is!" Sam said laughing. And yes it was funny to see Dean in this sort of situation but he also wished his brother would be more like this. More happy, he wished his brother didn't carry such weight on his shoulders. He just wished they had a whole different life.

"On three, one two,"
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, that was scary"
[Sam and Dean are in some sort of factory, Sam opens a locker and a cat jumps out]

"Okay now that was really us." Sam said looking at the screen weirdly. Whilst everyone else looked at Dean weirdly. I mean that scream was really high pitched! He noticed the stares "I had ghost sickness alright!" He yelled, Sam chuckled under his breath.

Nobody knew what ghost sickness was except for Bobby of course either way it was amusing to see Dean show fear in that way. After everybody had settled down the screen lit up again and the mood significantly decreased...

Hey bitches!
Right so I need your guys opinions I was thinking of ships and I don't know who to pair with who. So do you want:
Dean X Castiel
Dean X Joe
Is there anymore you can think of? I seriously can't think rn.
Also I'm thinking of doing Ellen and Bobby?
And should I do Sam X Gabriel?
Anyway until next time.

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