chapter 10

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"You stupid ass. What'd you do? What'd you do!?"
[Dean looks at the floor]
"You made a deal. For Sam didn't you? How long did they give you?"
"How long?!"
"1 year"
"Damn it Dean"
[Dean doesn't make eye contact with Bobby preferring to look at the floor or directly behind him]

"So I'm guessing anger is Bobby's way of showing he cares huh" Charlie said a bit unsurely, Sam laughed a bit despite the serious topic at hand "yeah, yeah it is". Bobby glared at them but didn't say anything.

"Which is why we gotta find this yellow eyed son of a bitch. Which is why I'm going to kill it myself, I mean I got nothing to lose now do I?"
[Bobby grabs Dean's shirt and aggressively pulls him forward]
"I could throttle you"
"Wanna send me downstairs ahead of schedule?"
[Bobby hesitates and then let's go of dean's shirt]
"What is it with you Winchesters huh? You. Your dad. Your both just itching to throw yourselves down the pit"
"That's my point. Dad brought me back Bobby I'm not even supposed to be here. At least this way something good can come out of it you know? Like my life could mean something"
"What?! And it didn't before?! Have you got that low of an opinion of yourself? Are you that screwed in the head?!"
[Bobby grabs Dean's shirt again more aggressively than last time]

"Well, he is right he shouldn't be there it was a mistake making that deal to keep him a life he just wasted the generous second chance I gave him and became even more useless" John said with venom in his voice, Dean looked down, he didn't dare say anything against his father and everyone else stared shocked they couldn't believe the words that just came out of John's mouth.
Then Bobby stood up and went to lunge at John he would not let him talk down to HIS boy but Sam grabbed the back of his shirt and dragged him back to his seat mumbling something about John not being worth the effort. Bobby settled for one last warning glare before turning back to the screen.

"I couldn't let him die Bobby. I couldn't. He's my brother"
"How is your brother going to feel when he knows your going to hell? How'd you feel when you knew your dad went for you?"
"You can't tell him. You can take a shot at me do what you need to do but please don't tell him"
[The scene ends with Bobby grabbing dean's face, his own face full of emotion and looking to the floor]

"I understand why you didn't want to tell me Dean but you shouldn't have tried to keep a secret that big from me" Sam said gently understanding that this was a hard time for his brother. Dean made eye contact and then firmly nodded at his brother, a silent promise not to keep anymore big secrets, they've been through too much to hide things from each other now.

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