chapter 9

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[The scene starts showing a 'dead' guys body. Then it shows Dean and Bobby walking around a corner and finding Sam]


Everyone in the room tenses somehow sensing the bitterness in the atmosphere. Dean who recognises the moment sinks down in his seat not prepared to live one of his worst memory's again.

[Then the guy who was supposed to be dead picked up the knife and stabs Sam, Dean runs towards Sam and Sam collapses to the ground and lets out some weird gasping noises]
"Sam look out!"

Jody lets out a gasp along with Charlie and Claire, sure they were expecting something bad but not death bad. Charlie even went as far as getting up and hugging Sam (who happily hugged his sister back) just to check he was alright and alive.

[The guy with the knife takes off and Bobby runs after him. Dean pats Sam's back were the wound is and when he looks at his hand again it's covered in blood but he doesn't want to tell Sam how bad it really is]
"Sam, Sam, hey hey come here, come here let me look at you, hey look, look it's not even that bad, it's not even that bad alright?"

Mary's eyes filled with tears, she didn't want her children to grow up in the hunting life for this reason because hunters usually die bloody. John was filled with rage "how dare you let this happen to your brother!" He yelled at Dean who sunk even lower into his chair. Ellen stood up and bitch slapped John which shut him up. He along with everyone else stared at Ellen in shock.

[Dean continues to try and reassure Sam who's losing consciousness slowly and you can see the panic Dean is beginning to feel]
"Sammy? Sam! Hey, listen to me we're going to patch you up alright? You'll be good as new Huh. I'm going to take care of you, I'm going to take care of you. I got you, that's my job right? Watch out for my pain in the ass little brother."

Jo frowned at the screen, it hurt her to see Dean that upset, she'd never seen him like that before so she made a spontaneous move and got up and hugged him. Dean was suprised by the sudden contact, but he didn't hate it. When she went to let go Dean didn't let her, instead he pulled her onto his lap (a/n bitch I'm doing this 😜) needing the comfort. She blushed but didn't stop him. Sam smirked.

[Sam completely loses consciousness and dies, Dean hugs his body? And a few years slip out if his eyes as he cries]
"Sam? Sam? Sam? Sammy!no.. no no no no no. No god. SAM!"

After the video ended there was a good 10 minutes of silence, it was a lot to process. Seeing someone you care about die. It impacted, a lot and they couldn't even begin to imagine how Dean felt in that moment, seeing his baby brother ,who he had dedicated his whole life to protecting , slowly die in his arms.

Both Winchester's hadn't said anything throughout the video, nor were they saying anything now. They still didn't like that everyone got to review their private moments but they also knew that people were going to find out eventually and so it's better now than never....
And the next video started.

Hey bitches!
Man it's been a long time huh, this was long overdue
Anywhore someone recommended this scene and I couldn't help myself! I figured it was perfect for this book.
If there's any videos or scenes you want me to put in you could always request them and there's a good chance I'll do them!
Also I decided on Dean x Jo, I know Destiel was recently made canon but Dean and Jo were just too cute for me to resist.
That's all for now so until next time,

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