chapter 7

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"Dean what do you think your doing?!"
[Dean is seen making out with a random girl in a bar.]
They are really grown up...sometimes
[Dean and Sam are seen fighting over who is going to sit in what chair]
But they can be really serious
"Come on!"
[Dean and Sam are fighting over some money on a motel bed]
"Get off!"
"Give it back!"
Ok I give up they are idiots. But we love them!
[They're still fighting over that money 😂]

"Really boys?" Bobby asked though anybody can see that he was trying not to chuckle at their stupidness.

"You think your funny?". "I think I'm adorable"
[Dean being interviewed by someone probably the police.]
"Can I have it?"
"Sure man!"
[Dean giving his car to some dude]
"Well I know what your thinking Sam. Why did it have to be clowns?"
"Give me a break."
[There driving in the impala at night]

"So. Deans afraid of planes huh?" Joe asked "well not so much anymor-" Dean tried to defend himself but Sam interrupted "yeah he is! He totally is"

[Sam sat in some interview room]
"Son of a bitch!"
[Dean in some dark cave]
"Are those antique dolls? Because I have to tell you Sam here has a major doll collection back home. Don't ya? Huh"
"Big time"
"Big time!"
[Dean and Sam in someone who collects antique dolls home. Dean is then seen mowing some lawn]

"Wow you really picked on your brother back then huh?" Charlie said but Dean didn't reply too busy laughing at the memory whilst Sam sunk in his chair in embarrassment.

"They're just doughnuts they're not love"
[Dean is in a prison jump suit teasing  some prison dude. The prison dude then jumps up and punches him in the face]
"They probed me"
[Sam turns around smiling  slightly and scratches the back of his neck]
"Bring me some pie!"
[Dean shouting to Sam from the impala window]
"Tell the truth!"
"That's what i'm-"
"We hunt demons."
[Dean and Sam are seen sat in the impala talking to the same dude who Dean gave his car to]

"Why were you just telling him that?" Jody asked confused. Sam took it upon himself to explain "he was been mind controlled. Pretty funny when you think about it now."

"They probed you...?"
"Yea they probed me...
And they did it again...
And again....
And a..."
[Dean is seen talking to some teenager in a bar]
"At least I'm not afraid of flying"
"Planes crash!"
"And apparently clowns kill!"
[Dean and Sam are driving in the impala at night]
"I call this one the blue steel"
[Dean is in some kind of prison getting his picture taken?]

"Seriously Dean?" Sam asked completely done with his brother whilst a few of the more immature people in the room (Charlie, Claire, Dean) laughed.

"Demons and spirits things your worst nightmares wouldn't even touch. And Sam here he's my brother"
"Dean shut up!"
"I'm trying! He's phychic kinda like you but not really like you. See he thinks your a murderer and he's afraid he's going to become one himself because your all apart of something that's terrible and I hope to hell that he's wrong but I'm starting to get a little scared that he might be right."
[Sam and Dean are seen talking to the same guy who Dean gave his car to again and deans been forced to tell the truth]

Everyone was a bit shocked at how much Dean could talk in the space of a minute and how much information he gave away. John was slightly mad about this not understanding the concept of mind control.

"You know there's a really good hang over remedy it's a greasy pork sandwich served  up in a dirty ashtray"
"Ohhh I hate you"
"I know you do"
[Sam is seen puking in a toilet and deans stood in the doorway]
"Hey man!"
"By the way I uh dig the haircut"
"All business up front. Party in the back"
[Dean is talking to ash in the roadhouse]

"Were you seriously making fun of his hair" Ellen asked. "No! His hair is awesome" Dean replied put on an overly happy voice.

"Did you get her number?"
[They are at some sort of amusement park and Sam and some small lady are having a stare down]
"And again...
And again...
And again....
And one more time"
[Dean and Sam are seen talking to that teenager in the bar again]

"That's how you reply to that?" Mary asked "just yikes? The poor boy sounded really scared" Dean just shrugged in reply

"Yea this guy hates blind people!"
"No, I dont!"
"Hey buddy what's your problem?"
"Nothing it'd just a little misunderstanding"
"Little?! You son of a bitch"
" No no no! no! can somebody just tell me where mister cooper is!"
[They are in a circus tent and Dean
is getting yelled at by two workers whilst Sam is laughing away in the background]

Somebody would have said something but everybody was too busy laughing at his predicament. Even dean was laughing at how confused his younger self looked.

"Too precious for this world"
[Sam is seen hugging some dude]
"Some alien made you his bitch!"
[They are talking to that same teenager in the bar...again!]
"What are you calling me a bitch for?"
"You were supposed to say jerk..."
[Sam and Dean are seen sat in the impala]

"Well that was something" Bobby said and many others nodded in agreement. It was definitely a welcome change to all the depressing crap they had been watching. It was nice to see an upside to all this hunting. And for a lot of people it was nice to see the boys they cared so much about laughing again. Some people hadn't seen that in a long time.

Before anybody could say anything else destiny had appeared Infront of them. "Right so I just came to inform you that the next video you will be watching won't make much sense, it will show Sam and deans doppelgangers from another world, Sam and Dean know what I'm talking about. In that world there is a TV show called supernatural and it's about your lives, right well that's all. Hope you enjoy!"
With that she disappeared again leaving everyone in shock. Then the screen lit up again.

Hey bitches!
It's been a while I know! And I'm so sorry for not updating but I'd like to thank everyone who left suggestions for me! I'm going to try and use most of them.
This was really fun for me to write! Can't wait to do the next one!
Until next time.

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