chapter 6

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"You were just a scared little boy who's scared to be on his own because daddy didn't love him enough."
"Everybody leaves you Dean, have you noticed? Mommy, daddy, even Sam."
"I'm poison Sam, everybody close to me gets killed or worse."
[Shows a man tied to a chair looking bloody, then switches to 'Mary' stood Infront of Dean, then to Dean and Sam on some kind of dock.]

"You know that isn't true right? I'll never really leave you Dean." Sam said seeing dean put his head down trying to hide his sad face.

"I know how dead you are inside, how worthless you feel, I know how you look into a mirror and hate what you see."
"Your a coward, sad, clingy, needy."
"You know I tell myself i- I help more people than I hurt, and I tell myself that I'm doing it all for the right reasons, and I believe that."
[Shows another Dean (pretty sure it's in his head) talking to real Dean, then it shows the man in the chair again and Dean punches him, then back to the dock.]

"Do you really feel that way son?" Bobby asked Dean, who didn't reply basically giving the answer, which made everyone in the room sad. Except John he was angry because he didn't raise no pussy.

"All I can think about is how much this job costs us"
"I always believed that what we do is important, no matter what the cost, no matter who we lost, weather it was dad, or Bobby, or-"
"Do you see a light at the end of this ugly ass tunnel. I don't."
[Shows Dean sat on a motel bed talking to someone (probably Sam), then Dean talking to Sam outside somewhere, then it switches and then it shows Dean and Sam talking in some fancy room]

Sam was glad his brothers feeling were finally getting out. Don't get him wrong they were horrible but people can help him now he doesn't have anything to hide, if Dean would actually let them help.

"And now mom, and cas and i- I don't know, I don't know," so now you don't believe anymore"
" Dad brought me back Bobby I'm not even supposed to be here."
"So you want to die."
[Then the image shifts again to the brothers talking outside somewhere, then to Dean and Bobby talking in the scrapyard, then it shifts again and we see Dean talking to female death.]

"You could of talked to us you know Dean. Well most of us" Ellen said in a comforting tone but Dean just nodded not really in the mood to talk with anyone. Other than Sam, he would talk to his brother.

"You don't think you deserve to be saved."
"It's like my life can mean something." "What?!  And it didn't before? Have you got that low of an opinion about yourself?! Are you that Screwed in the head!?"
"You are nothing."
"Your problem mate is that nobody hates you more than you do."
[First it shows cas talking to Dean, then Dean and Bobby in the scrapyard again, then Dean talking to his other self, then Dean and Crowley in the impala]

"Is it only me that wants to know how he was talking to himself?" Charlie asked earning a slight laugh from a few people she was always good at making people feel better.

"There's a god?" "At this point Vegas money's on yeah" "oh my gosh" "look I know your not all quoir boy about this stuff but this is becoming less and less about faith and more about truth"
"P-people pray to you"
"I need some help, please"
[The screen shows Dean Sam and Bobby at Bobby's house, then to Dean in some kind of crypt (trying to talk to god), then it shifts to dean on the grass with tears in his eyes looking at the sky]

This scene Makes everyone concerned because they all knew Dean wasn't religious like at all but there he was on the screen, praying. Sam raps an arm around his brother hoping to offer some comfort unaware of just how much it helped Dean.

"People go to churches, for you and fight wars in your name, and you did nothing."
"If there is a god out there why would he give a crap about me!" "Dean"
"I don't matter" "don't you?" "I couldn't save mom, I couldn't save cas, I can't even save a scared little kid. Sam keeps trying to fix it but I keep dragging him down. So I'm not going to beg okay. If it's my time. It's my time."
[Dean back in the crypt still trying to talk to god, then Dean and Sam in bobby's house, then to Dean and death talking again]

"You really gave up didn't you." Bobby said again there was no reply but the energy in the room had significantly darkened.

"Nobody can save you because you don't want to be saved. I mean how can you care so little about yourself?"
"How I feel, inside me, I wish I couldn't feel anything Sammy"
"You are not a child." "I never was."
"I know you had a complicated upbringing Dean, but don't confuse me with your dad"
[Sam talking to Dean outside a motel, then shows Dean on the ground looking defeated talking to Sam, then shows Mary talking to Dean and then just Mary alone, finally shows god talking to him]

Once the video had ended nobody really knew what to say to Dean. They saw him in a new light. He wasn't just some emotionless hero, he was a broken soldier who was tired of fighting. But they also knew he wouldn't quit until he died, they also knew John was part of the reason Dean would never quit because even if his father was a horrible person Dean still looked up to him and didn't want to disappoint him.

Hey bitches!
So it's been a while huh. I'm soo sorry I just got so caught up with life I forgot to update.
Anyway hope you enjoyed the chapter!
Until next time.

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