chapter 1

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It was a relatively normal day for the Winchesters- which means they just finished up a hunt (a vamp nest to be precise).  It was a particularly difficult hunt as they were not expecting the ambush that they faced as soon as they stepped into the building. Mary had being injured- nothing too serious a sprained ankle at most.

A feeling of pure relief and exhaustion washed over them as they stepped into the bunker and Dean had immediately walked over to the fridge pulling out 3 beers and handing them out before collapsing into a chair. Silence filled the air, not awkward more like content and that's when everything went to hell, kind of.

A bright light started filling the room, Sam and Dean both stood up pulling out their guns in alert whilst Mary stayed sat down (cause of her hurt ankle). As the light got brighter they started backing away, a buzzing filled the room it was faint but gradually started getting louder. "Maybe it's angels?!" Dean yelled to Sam over then noise but Sam had no time to reply because they all fell unconscious.

Dean was the first one to wake up. He opened his eyes only to shut them again and groan as his head felt like it was being hit by a sledgehammer. But nevertheless he stood up- took a few seconds but he opened his eyes only to realise he and his family (Sam and Mary) weren't the only ones here, there was at least a ten people scattered across the floor a few of them he knew to be dead. Like Bobby, Kevin and Charlie. But that didn't matter right now he'd worry about that in a minute after he figured out where they were and why. There was a massive screen in front of like 3 rows of chairs. So a movie theatre huh? Now the only questions left to answer was how these people (who are supposed to be dead) are here, and why.

A few collective groans were heard as people began to wake up, it took a few minutes but eventually everyone was awake and that is when the shouting began..
"WILL YOU IDJITS (a/n is that how you spell it? Probably not 😂) SHUT THE FUCK UP!"
That quietened everyone down and they all just looked at each other for a second analyzing who was there. It was Bobby, Ellen, Joe, John, Kevin, Charlie, Claire, Jody, Mary, Sam, Dean, and Castiel. Quite the crowd.

Then began the reunions Mary went to hug John, whilst Dean and Sam were not sure who to go to first, ultimately they decided on Bobby and both went and pulled him into a hug that probably could of killed him of they held on for more that a few minutes. After 10 minutes of catching up and chatting between themselves another light appeared this one seemed less bright and it only lasted a few seconds before a girl stepped out.

She was small ish and her hair was black as a crows with a strip of blue in it. With an excited gasp she began to speak. "Oh! Hi, my name's destiny! And I have brought you all to this movie theatre to watch Sam and deans life! Because I can." The Winchester brothers let out groans they hated the idea of their family watching the shitty life they lived. "Do we have to!?" Dean asked at the same time as Sam basically screamed "Can we not!"

Destiny smiled knowingly before ordering them to take their seats, which they did quite reluctantly, and disappearing in a light but not before telling them she'd be back to check on them soon. As soon as She had left the lights dimmed and the big screen lit up. This was going to be interesting....

Ok wow that took so much effort but it was so worth it!
Anyway this is my first time writing something like this so constructive criticism would be appreciated.
Hope you enjoyed it!
Also if you wanted to know their sheeting arrangements
First row:
Dean/ Sam/ Bobby/ Ellen
Second row:
Jody/ Cas/ Charlie/ Kevin
Third row:
Joe/ John/ Mary

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