chapter 2

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They were all a bit confused when the music started but stayed quiet too intrigued to really care too much.

[" Tell me something honest about yourself like uh this brother your road tripping with how do you feel about him?"] When we were young we were the ones the kings and queens oh yea we ruled the world.
[Images of young Dean and Sam show up on the screen, young Sam gives young Dean a pendant/necklace "thanks Sammy, I love it"]

Charlie squealed at the cute moment and mary awed glad her boys had each other.

We smoked cigarettes man no regrets wish I could relive every single word.
[A slightly older Dean and Sam sit on the bleachers in a highschool, John talking to a young Dean giving him rules, "and most importantly-" "watch out for Sammy I know"]

"Isn't it kind of sad that it's deans responsibility alone to watch Sam?" Joe asked and Bobby nodded in agreement. Mary proceeded to send John an accusing glare.

We've taken different paths, traveled different roads
[The impala is seen driving away from Sam]

I know we'll always end up on the same one when we're old

["I know were I'm at my best and that's right here driving down crazy street with you" Dean looks across at Sam from where he's driving]

"I'm honestly surprised we made it past 30" Dean mumbled and Sam silently agreed. Bobby patted them both on the back and cas looked at them both confused not understanding why they'd think that, after all they were the best damm hunters he's ever met.

and when we're in the trenches and your under fire I will cover you.
[Someone is seen pointing a gun at Sam "I'm only going to say this one time okay, you make a move on him and you'll be dead before you hit the ground you hear me?"]

"So protective, I wonder why" Ellen started glaring directly at John "oh! I know why, you neglected them all of their lives!" She finished. There was scattered nods all around the room. Dean smiled slightly at the protective tone in Ellen's voice.

If I was dying on my knees you would be the one to rescue me and if you would drown at sea I'd give you my lungs so you could breathe I've got you brotherrrrr I've got you brotheerrr.
[Multiple images of the boys on the brink of death appear on the screen. But when one is dying the other is always there trying to help, Sam's dead body is shown then Dean making a crossroads deal. "we'll figure it out alright we will"
Sam is seen punching Dean while possessed by Lucifer "Sam, it's ok, it's ok I'm here, I'm not going to leave you."]

Sam flinched at the memory, he hated the fact that her let the devil in. As if sensing his brothers discomfort Dean pulled Sam into a one armed hug assuring him that it wasn't his fault.

Oh brother we go deeper than the ink beneath the skin of our tattoos, though we don't share the same blood your my brother and I, love you thats the truth.
[Sam as a baby is shown on the screen demon with blood dripping into his mouth. Then we say baby Sam again this time with an older Dean standing over him, tears in his eyes]

We're living different lives heaven only knows if we'll make it back with all our fingers and our toes. 5 years, 20 years come back we'll always be the same.
[Shows a bit of deans time with Lisa and then Dean walking away from Sam and cas. Then it shows 4 year old Dean running out of the house with baby Sam before switching to adult Dean pulling Sam out of his burning college dorm]

John frowned when he saw Dean with a woman, he was a damm hunter not a family man! Everyone in the Winchester family flinched at the memory of the fire that killed Mary. And they were all concerned when they saw Sam's dorm on fire but, nobody dared ask seeing the look of pure sadness in his eyes.

And if we hit that troubled water I'll be the one to keep you warm and safe and we'll be carrying each other until we say goodbye on our dying days because I've got you brotheeer I've got you brotheeerr.
[Shows Sam in a coma in the hospital with Dean sat beside him. Then it shows Dean throwing a towel over a sick Sam. The image changes to a beat up Dean looking up at Sam from the floor.]

"What happened to Sam!?" Charlie yelled. Dean was hesitant but he eventually told them all about how Sam was doing some trials to close the gates of hell and almost died. There was a pause while everyone who didn't already know took in the information. The first one to speak was Joe "honestly, trust you guys to get yourselves into a situation like that" both brothers laughed slightly at that.

I've got you brotheeer I've got you brotheeer. If I was dying in my knees you would be the one to rescue me and if you were drowned at sea I'd give you my lungs so you can breathe. Ooooohhh I've got you brotheeer, I've got you brotheeer.
[Shows multiple shots of Sam and Dean hugging. "I'm your brother Dean, if you ever need to talk, about anything you got someone right here next to you" ]

As the video ended there was a minute pause. Everyone knew the brothers were close but this had helped them to realise just how much they had gone through together. Dean broke the silence by asking a completely irrelevant question "is anybody concerned with how this bitch got all those video clips and pictures?" Sam laughed slightly at his brothers paranoia and and a few smiles were shared throughout the theatre.

Before anybody else had the chance to say anything the screen lit up with another video. After seeing the first one the group of hunters didn't really know what to expect. But they were also excited to find out more about their favourite Winchesters so they sat back and watched intently.

Hey Bitches!
I'm going to try to update once every two or three days, so yea.
I don't own supernatural or the video used in this chapter just going to let you know..again.

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