2 - Fly little bird

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The Slytherin common room was behind a bare stretch of stone in the dungeons of the castle. The room was decorated in a gothic fashion, with sleek black leather couches and green velvet pillows. A large fire was warming the air and lighting up the walls, along with an array of candles scattered about the room in big floor candelabras.

Poppy had already scored us two beds in the lower level. She said she didn't want to be too close to the common room, but not so far away as to miss out on anything either. It made sense to me and soon I was laying on a familiar green draped bed under the soft glow of round lamps hanging from chains.

The room was warm but my fingers felt icy and nervous. I made small fists, pumping my hands to try and bring the circulation back to them.

In the late hours of the night, with energetic eyes I finally tossed off my covers and made my way to the common room to sit and think for a while. Or maybe read, they had lots of books on the history of the Slytherin house. I've read most of them, but there are a few untouched covers hidden in the bookshelves. My feet quietly crept down the hallway as I came to the entrance and descended the cold stone steps to the couches. I'd been going here long enough to know the prefects rarely come out here, and when they do it's only because they over heard some scheming first years.

The low crackle of the fire reminded me of Autumn and how only a year ago we would sit around the fire late at night, pondering over books and clues and whatever information we could find. Her chestnut hair would fall softly over her shoulders, her honey eyes glowing from the fire light. I could almost feel her skin, and how soft and warm it was in the dark, brooding dungeon. All the castle lay asleep and it was just the two of us.

"What are you doing?" A harsh voice made me snap my head towards a figure by the entry way. "You shouldn't be out here," Kali approached me, dressed in pink, silky long sleeves pajamas.

I didn't realize the tear that had been sliding down my cheek until her eyes lingered on it. I quickly wiped it again and got to my feet. "Nothing. It's just been a long day and I couldn't sleep."

She stood her ground and stared down at me, a look of pity in her eyes. It made my chest burn. I hated that look but it also made me want to cry. To run into to arms and tell her everything. To be friends like we used to. But I couldn't tell her, she wouldn't understand. Bella was whispering too much venom in her ears to genuinely think about what I said to say.

"Kali," I stepped closer, wanting to reach for her hand but restraining myself. "I know what you think of me. But it wasn't what it seemed like, we were only-"

"Layla, don't start with me," she snapped, her demeanor doing a completely 180. "I don't care how you feel, I know what happened," She glared, and my eyes widened, full of sadness and betrayal. Her face softened a little bit. "Look, I'll be cordial with you, but I can't forget what you did. She was my friend too."

All I could bring myself to do was nod and swallow the huge rock in my throat. My hands were clasped together tightly, sweating from the altercation. I couldn't say anything I wanted to back. Well fuck you too Kali. Actually you have no idea what happened. Maybe if you and Bella could have actually given a damn about anyone other than yourselves you would have helped us and she wouldn't be dead right now.

No, I couldn't say any of that. Not if I wanted to survive this school year. I had to be polite and take any graces I was given.

"Goodnight," Kali mumbled then turned and left as quickly as she came. I waited a few moments then descended the stairs into the dungeon corridors. In our chamber, Poppy was snoring quietly with one leg flopped over her bed. I climbed under my covers and tried to think of the ocean, like I always did when I was trying to fall asleep. Before long I drifted into a dreamless slumber, taken away by the sounds of waves crashing against the walls of my mind.

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