9 - The Lake

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"That your boyfriend?" Silas grilled me, peeking over at my potions notes to see what I'd written.

"No," I whispered, annoyed and determined not to take my eyes off my notes. Silas hadn't given me a moment to myself since yesterday. Every time we had a class together he sat by me, he'd walk with me in all of the hallways, and never, never shut up.

"But you want him to be? C'mon, I saw the way you looked at him."

"I'm not interested in Draco, he's vile. And he's dating Pansy." I looked at his potion and it's tacky gray color it had turned to. "You're absolute shit at potions, how did you even get into this class?"

"My uncle pulled some strings. He has ties with Dumbledore and got me put into all the best classes."

"Well I hope he won't be too disappointed when you get kicked out."

"Ouch," he faked being hurt. "You know, you're not very fun to talk to. You need to loosen up a bit Miss Wraith."

"Then why are you talking to me? All you ever do is bother me. Honestly, can't you take a hint?"

Something changed in his expression and I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but it made me regret saying what I just had. "Alright," he said, putting his hands up in defense. "I won't bother you anymore."

At that moment the bell rang and he stalked off without me, not even looking back. I glanced at Draco and saw Pansy's fingers intertwined with his. His eyes flickered to mine and held them. Pansy noticed and shot me a glare that could kill.

I decided to let my unexplainable emotions with Draco out the door and turned back to Silas. He had layered black hair, and beautiful bright eyes. His shoulders were broad and strong, like he could pick me up at any moment. All the girls were fawning over the hot new boy. Why wasn't I?

My stomach lurched as I tried to push the answer down. Deep down I knew what I felt for Draco and maybe someday I would confront those feelings but today was not that day.

I sighed and started heading to lunch. Maybe today I would actually eat a little. I spotted Poppy and caught up with her and against my better judgment, tried to act like we were still friends. "Hey. You headed to lunch?"

She stopped and looked at me uncomfortably. "Oh, um, about that. Actually Bella and Kali asked me to sit with them. I would invite you, but-"

"But they told you some bullshit about me," I cut her off. "Got it. It's fine, I wasn't hungry anyway," I said and retreated before she could say anything else. Was I snippy today or was everyone just being an ass?

This is exactly why I didn't want to come back. I should just leave while I still have some dignity left in me.

I decided to head outside and get some fresh air to clear my head. I walked down the hill and towards the rocky shore of the lake. It was calm now, and nice and cool on my skin as I dipped my feet in.

The water glistened in the light, welcoming me into it. It felt so nice I could just stay there forever. I could just dip my head underwater and never come out...

"Layla? What are you doing out here?" Draco was suddenly beside me. "Not hungry?"

I sighed as my solitude was broken. "No, not really. I just needed some fresh air," I answered as he sat down beside me. "Where's Pansy?" The question was bitter in my mouth and I hated it. Pansy and Draco had been going out since last year, I had no right to be bitter about it. I was just being cruel to myself.

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