10 - Tension

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"Need a hand?" Silas walked up to me. "I know I said I'd leave you alone, but you look like you could use some help," he gestured to my dripping arm.

I hesitated, weighing my options. If I left my arm untreated I would only grab more attention. If I let Silas take care of it... well then I'd have to deal with being around Silas.

"Actually yes, I'm not exactly the best at first aid." My head was still spinning a million miles an hour from kissing Draco and I needed a distraction. Now was not the time to be alone with my thoughts.

He pulled me into an empty classroom and started fishing around the empty cupboards. He came back over with a wrap, and healing gel. "What did you do this on?"

"I was outside, I must have scraped it against something without realizing it," I lied.

He stared intensely at me, leaning into my eyes. "I know a cut mark when I see one."

"That's not-" I stuttered, trying to respond but my tongue tied itself in a knot. Something in his eyes told me not to lie to him, so instead I said nothing at all. What could I say to that? He looked like the type to know the difference between a knife and a rock cut.

He brushed a finger over the bandaged cut. "Try not to do this again."

"Silas wait!" I stopped him as he headed for the door. "Look, I'm sorry about what I said earlier. I didn't mean any of it. Or at least most of it. I've just been having so much going on... sometimes it's easier to push people away than to let them get close to me," I apologized, unsure of where the urge even came from.

He gazed into my eyes, trying to read them. "It's okay, love. I understand. I was being a prat anyways. I'm not used to not getting the things I want."

My body was still hot from the altercation with Draco, despite my wet hair and clothes, but I shoved the feelings down. Pansy kissed him right in front of me. I wasn't a home wrecker and didn't intend on becoming one. "Can I walk you to class?" I stammered a bit awkwardly.

"Sure," he gave a small surprised smile and I took his arm. "We're not going to professor Flitwick's, McGonagall asked everyone to meet in the great hall for an announcement."

"Announcement?" I questioned as we neared the room. Inside all the tables were gone and there was a large empty circle in the middle of the room.

"Good evening," the professor greeted. "I'm sure you're all wondering why you're here. As you all should know, In the past we have had an All Hallows' Eve school dance. We have decided to bring it back this year, in light of the rare super blue blood moon that will be happening on that night. This dance, is not a regular dance. Samhain is when the veil between the living and the dead is the thinnest. Because of this, I have decided that all students must attend the dance and be accounted for. As you know, there are many spirits wandering this castle, and I want you all in a controlled environment." She paced from the inside of the circle, looking at the crowd of students around her. "This dance is going to be held outside, among a large bonfire. We will have a ceremonial dance, in honor of the dead, which you all must participate in unless  injury or illness requires you not to. Any questions?"

The crowd was mumbling, the girls thrilled for an opportunity to doll up and go to a dance. The boys, however, looked either solemn or panicked. I wasn't thrilled or panicked. More annoyed I guess. It was just another opportunity for me to look like a friendless outcast.

My eyes locked with Malfoy across the room. Pansy was clinging on to his arm, chatting happily into his ear, probably about the dance they would be attending together. My body wanted to move closer to him. To pull him onto me like he had been in the water.

I turned away quickly, embarrassed as my face flushed. I saw Silas staring at me with an eyebrow raised but ignored it.

After the grueling class where she demonstrated how to dance, we were dismissed to dinner. I decided I wasn't hungry and started heading toward the Slytherin dorms.

"Where are you off to so quickly?" Silas caught up to me. I turned to face him and instead locked eyes with Poppy, who was standing in a circle of my old friends, chatting away. She looked away quickly.

"Nowhere, I'm just not hungry."

He caught my arm. "Have you eaten anything today?"

I looked into his piercing green eyes, too embarrassed to admit why I wouldn't let myself eat. "I keep a stash in my dorm. I don't like crowds."

"Me neither," he responded. "Lucky for you I found a lot of private spots since I've been here," he smirked at me, and started walking towards the other hallway, beckoning me to come.

"Fuck it," I sighed to myself. If Draco wasn't planning on ending things with Pansy then I was free to do whatever I wanted. I didn't belong to him. I wasn't even sure I wanted to be with Draco. Sure, my love life has been a barren desert for the past few years, but I don't need to be swept off my feet by the first boy that pays me any attention.

"What was that about fucking?" He raises his eyebrows, walking backwards in front of me.

I rolled my eyes, still thinking of Draco and his body pressed up against mine. Then I thought of the way Pansy glared at me and snogged him and the heat in my chest faded.

Liking Draco would only cause more trouble for myself.

"I've been coming here for a while now," Silas said as he lead me into an empty room in one of the towers. "I like it up here, it's nice and quiet and the view is beautiful," he leaned out the window gazing down at the vast lake surrounding the school.

"Why did you transfer here from Durmstrang?" I ask curiously. "It's a great school, and you don't seem to know anyone here."

He drew a breath in and furrowed his dark thick eyebrows. "I like you Wraith and I don't want to lie to you," he turned and met my eyes. "But if I tell you this, you can't tell anyone. Swear to it."

My heart rate sped up and my mind raced. "I swear."

"Do you remember the boy that went missing a few years back? His name was Aegon Aleister." I flinched at the name but nodded, a deep lump in my throat. "He was my best friend growing up and when I heard what happened... I knew he didn't just disappear. He was always getting into trouble when we were younger, but he always made it out okay. It was like he had a constant batch of Felix Felicius in his back pocket. There's no way he would ever just go missing. Something happened to him, and I want to find out what it is." He looked back out the window. "And after his sister was murdered last year, I can't help but think the worst happened to him."

"She wasn't murdered," I blurted without thinking. "I mean, that's not exactly what happened. The spell wasn't supposed to do that," my breathing quickened and my head felt light and dizzy as my heels scooted away.

"What you mean? Do you know what happened to her Layla?" He asked quickly, walking towards me. His eyes changed into something more passionate.

"Yes," I breathed, tears swelling in my eyes. I looked at the ground and he grabbed a hold of my shoulders.

"Who killed her Layla?"

I shook my head and the first tear fell.

"Layla you have to tell me, this could be exactly what I need to find out what happened to Aegon." I still didn't reply. "Who killed her, Layla?"

I sucked in a deep shaky breath.


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