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Once silence left I felt Autumns arms wrapping around me. "Oh, Layla! I knew you could do it! I was so worried though. I tried to tell you what was going on, but being a shadow... it's impossible to explain."

I turned to her, embracing her, but almost not believe she was actually here with me. "Autumn, you don't need to apologize... I'm sorry. I killed you..." my voice broke and I felt myself shatter.

She put a hand on my face and wiped the tears sliding down my cheeks. "No, it was my fault too. We didn't know what we were doing. I just wanted to find Aegon," she turned to face her brother who stood patiently beside us, letting us have the moment.

"I'm the one who got you all wrapped up in this. I knew what Silas had in mind was going to be trouble. I just never expected it would kill me," He turned to me. "Layla, thank you for saving me and my sister." He turned to Draco. "You too, Malfoy. I owe you both my life."

"I could see how cruel you've been treated, Layla," Autumn said. "I'll make it right, I promise. Just..." she hesitated. "Do me one last favor."

We all looked at each other curiously. Aegon moved closer to her.

"Don't tell anyone yet. I want to sneak out of the castle."


"I know. I'm alive now. Everyone should know. And they will. Just not right now." She grabbed a hold of Aegons hand. "I want a moment with the people I love first. I know this will become a big story, and I don't want the headlines. Just give me some time with my brother and my parents."

I nodded. "Of course."

How could I say no? I couldn't be that selfish. Sure, the sooner people knew she was alive, the sooner my name would be cleared. But Autumn was worth all the snide comments and dirty looks. Her peace and happiness was worth it.

"We should get going now then," Draco interrupted. "Let's sneak you out while the dance is still going on and everyone is distracted.

We all agreed and made our way out of the secret chamber and the bathroom until we were back in the slithering common room.

"It looks exactly the same," Autumn remarked, a small smile now on her face. "I never thought I'd see this place again."

"Well you'll be seeing it a lot more now," I linked my arm in her as we continued walking.

"Maybe. I'm not sure I want to come back yet." I met her eyes, trying to stonewall my face so she couldn't see the hurt in my eyes. But I knew she could. She always could. "Don't be sad, Layla. I just... I've changed a lot. I mean, I died and came back to life. I'm not ready to get over that yet."

"Of course not," I agreed. "I'm sad, because I'll miss you. Just promise me you'll write to me. Don't leave me in the dark."

My words were a plea. Begging the only person I truly loved not to leave me again. I might have felt pathetic if I was so overjoyed at the fact that my best friend had just come back to life.

"Stop here," Draco put a hand in front of us before we reached the ballroom.

"We need a distraction. Something that will get everyone's attention so we can slip out the back," I said.

"I know just the thing," Draco smirked. "I probably won't see you after this so, it was nice meeting you," he looked at Autumn and Aegon. Glad you're alive again." Without another word he slipped back into the ballroom.

I saw him walk up to Pansy and my stomach lurched. He spoke something soft in her ear.

Then her face turned red and the glass in her hand shattered. "What?" She screeched. "You can't breakup with me! We're made for each other!"

I saw Blaise try and interject but she sent a red spark from her wand and he went soaring into the wall.

Draco said something else to her that made her jaw drop and then she raised her want to him. I was almost nervous for him but the teachers finally realized what was going on and started to heard around her.

"Now!" I whispered and we ducked into the ballroom, keeping close to the wall. Everyone was now gathered around to see the fight between the "it" couple of all last year.

I tailed behind Autumn and Aegon, making sure no one saw us slipping past them. Crabbe and Goyle were snickering in the corner. I tried to see what they were laughing at but too many bodies were blocking Draco and Pansy.

I brushed past someone's shoulder and saw Bella turn to glare at me. My body froze but she looked back to the action and I sighed in relief. Good thing she hated me too much to care what I was doing.

We made it out of the castle a moment later. The night air was cold and I shivered, covering my bare arms. "What now? We didn't think this far? How are you two getting home? You can't apparate on the school grounds."

Aegon smiled. "Don't worry. A trixter always has things hidden up his sleeve." Before I could respond he headed into the forest, leaving me and Autumn to ourselves.

"Where is he going?" I asked.

Autumn shrugged. "Aegon always has a way out of things. Well... I guess almost always." Her eyes got darker and I could feel her reliving the memories of her brother being dead. Of her being dead.

"Autumn," I stepped towards her, glad it was cold, so she wouldn't know I was now shaking from fear. "I love you," my words game out so soft I thought she might not have heard them.

She grabbed my hand. "I love you too, Layla. Don't you worry about me. I'll be okay." She pulled me into a hug. "Will you?" Her eyes were serious as they stared into mine. The wind howled and picked up her hair.

"I don't know," I answered, more honest than I'd been in a long time.

"If there's anything you need, just let me know. I'll write to you every week. And soon we'll see each other again. I promise."

Aegon emerged from the trees. A broom was in his hand. "Have I ever told you girls how excellent I am at flying?"

Autumn rolled her eyes. "What a graceful exit." She mounted the broom behind him. "Are you sure this thing holds two?"

"More than sure. I used to see Fred and George sneak off on it all the time to go to Hogsmeade when the passage wasn't accessible."

"Fred and George," I smiled. "Of course."

It was impossible for those two not to have an influence in any sort of mischief that went on around here, wasn't it?

Autumn gave me one last tearful look. "Goodbye, Layla."

"Goodbye," my words were choked out rather than spoken.

The broom took off and I watched them until they disappeared, savoring every freezing moment.

"Cold?" I heard a voice say and suddenly my arms were embraced by a jacket.

Draco stood beside me, now in just his button down. "Try to smile, Wraith. You just saved two people's lives."

I looked down at my shoes. "Yeah, you're right."

He sighed. "I can leave you alone if you prefer."

He turned to go and I caught his hand. "Draco, don't leave. I don't want to be alone." I moved closer to him, leaning my head against his chest. "Will you stay with me tonight?"

His brows creased and I could see him weighing the idea in his mind. "I won't leave you Layla. Not unless you ask me to." I could hear the deeper meaning behind his words but I was too exhausted to ponder over it. Right now I just need sleep. I just need to disappear.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23 ⏰

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