10 - The Journal

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Me and Silas were laying in his bed, wrapped in each other's arms. "I've been thinking..." he said after a while of comfortable silence. "About the lake under the school."

I sat up, taken by surprise. "What about it?"

"I think I know how to get there." He sat up with my and took my hand in his. "Just hear me out okay?" I gave him an unsure look but let him continue. "The Super Blue Blood Moon isn't just beautiful, it's powerful. Magic will be heightened that night, I'm sure that's why they're throwing the dance. To distract everyone. With that power we could open the mirror."

I thought intently about what he said, weighing the heavy options. "Silas, I don't know if I want to get into all of that again..."

"But you were so close!" He protested and begged into my eyes. "And if you don't... Autumn died for nothing."

His words stung and I turned away, but I knew they were true. If I just gave up, her death would be in vein. Her brother would be lost forever. And I was the only person who knew how to change that.

"I hear her sometimes," I blurted out. "Her voice, in my head. The same thing was happening to her last year. She would hear her brother. That's how she knew where to look for his diary." I confessed. "I didn't fully believe her last year, but..."

"Now you do?" He finished and I slowly nodded. "What do you think, will you help me?"

I furrowed my brows, thinking. "Fine. But I want to be prepared this time."

"What do we need to do?"

I gave him a list of everything we would need and then headed to the forbidden forest where I hid Aegon's journal. Last year I knew they would search all my stuff after what happened and it was the best hiding spot I could think of. Let's just hope it's still there.

When I reached the trees I heard a voice behind me. "Why are you going in there?" Draco said in a somewhat arrogant but curious tone.

"Why are you following me?" I asked back, a little too rudely. The truth was I was still hurt about him and Pansy.

He leaned to one side and crossed his arms in a casual sexy way I'm sure he was completely unaware of. My attraction to him only made me even more mad. "What's been up with you lately. You don't talk to me, you never come to the main hall anymore, and you won't even look me in the eye-"

"Draco, we made a mistake." I sighed, melting into his crystal eyes. "That day at the lake. Look, I get it if you don't feel the same way about me, but it just... hurts too much to be near you. Especially around Pansy. I'm not like you, I can't just pretend it didn't happen. I can't pretend I don't want you." My words felt like a betrayal to myself. Why was I being so honest? Why was I give Draco so much ammo to use against me?

He scowled but his face was pained. "You think this is easy for me?" His voice raised and he walked towards me. He put his hands on my hips and backed my against a tree. "Every time I look at you, I feel like I can't control myself. You're like a drug, and I want you." He slipped a hand to my upper thigh, leaning me against a tree and whispered in my ear.

His body was tense and hot, I could feel him restraining what he really wanted to do. My body betrayed me and leaned into him as his mouth hovered over my neck.

I wanted him. I wanted this.

I shook my head and tried to bring myself back to what I came here for.
"Draco, I can't do this," I pushed him away, though my thighs burned for him.

"What are you doing Layla?" He asked, following after me into the forest.

I ignored him and bent over a large tree which roots twisted into the ground. Bending down, I reached into a space between the roots and roughly wiggled out a tattered looking leather-bound journal. Aegon's journal.

"Fucking answer me! I can help Layla, you know I can," he said, his voice loud and annoyed. "Tell me what you're doing."

"I'm going to find Aegon," I shouted and squared up to him. "Now, if you'll excuse me..." I pushed passed him.

"Autumn's brother?" He quickly caught up to me. "You can't be serious. After everything that happened last year?"

"This time is different," I shook my head, pushing my own worries aside. "I know what went wrong last time. And this time I have Silas-"

"Silas. Of course." He scoffed.

"He's a really good wizard!" I defended. "He's the reason I'm trying this again, he knows what to do. And he has all the reason to find him, he was Aegon's best friend."

"He's using you," Draco spoke, putting a hand on my waist and peering into my blue eyes. "You don't need to get yourself mixed up in all of this again."

"He's not using me." I yanked my arm away, though my skin was still hot where he had touched. "He just wants this as much as I do. And do I need to remind who was begging me just two weeks ago to get myself mixed up in all this again? You sure seemed eager to throw me back into the water when it was going to benefit you."

"When are you carrying out this plan of yours then?"

"Tomorrow." I said quickly. "The moon will strengthen our power and we'll be able to make it to the lake."

Worry coated his face. "Layla, you don't have to do this. She's gone. He's gone. Nothing will fix that."

"She wants me to." My voice suddenly softened. "I can hear her. She's here, in the castle. She's afraid, and angry, and lonely."

He just stared at me, his face stone cold and unreadable. I knew he was trying to digest what I'd just said. Any sane person laugh and walk away after I'd told them I was communicating with the dead. Even in the wizard world, it wasn't a very common thing to hear the dead whispering in your ear. Suddenly his face relaxed. "You're just grieving Layla. It's perfectly normal."

My face heated up and anger flashed through my eyes. "Fuck off, Draco!" I shouted and kept marching up the hill to the big wood door that led inside the castle. "I don't need you to believe me. Besides it's been about ten minutes, I'm sure Pansy is running around looking for you."

He tried to call after me but I kept my head forward, not acknowledging his plea. I had to focus. I only had one more shot at this. One night to make sure Autumn's death wasn't in vain.

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