13 - A Healer

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"Layla, your hair," Draco walked over to me, holding a piece of my hair in his pale hands. I walked over to the murky lake, barely making out my reflection out in the murky green water.

"What's happening to me?" I panicked, staring at the white that crept up in the tips of my hair. Had Silas cursed me? Did the ring somehow change ones appearance?

"It's the mark of a healer," Aegon said, walking over and putting a hand on my shoulder. "It happens when someone has given a person their life back." He looked me in the eyes, gazing hard into them, then looked at his sister. "Thank you Layla. Without you, me and Autumn would still be in that lake."

I looked to the ground, not feeling very heroic. I almost got Draco killed because of me. I let Silas twist his way around my heart and fell for his trap so easily. "How are we going to explain this? What will the teachers say when a missing boy and a dead girl walk out of here like nothing ever happened?"

Aegon took his sister by the shoulder. "We're not staying at Hogwarts Layla. It's caused us too much pain. We want to go home and see our family again."

"But-" I wanted to protest as my eyes watered, but knew it was no use. It was the best thing for them to leave. "I'll miss you," I cried and embraced Autumn in my arms after what seemed like a century. "I'll come visit you every holiday and when I graduate we can move in together and find a cute little place in-"

"Layla, Layla, slow down," she smiled back at me, sadly. "I don't know what I want in life just yet. And you have a lot to figure out yourself too. But come visit whenever you can, please. You're welcome any time. We owe you our lives." She stepped back, wiping a tear from her mossy green eyes. She turned to her brother and smiled. "You're old enough now. Go ahead."

Aegon smiled and took her arm. In a second they apparated. I imagined them on their parents doorstep, trying to explain everything. What would they tell them? The whole truth? Parts of it? Make something up entirely?

I didn't notice how much I was crying until Draco embraced me and wiped the tears that were water-falling down my cheeks. "You did an amazing thing Layla. I'm so sorry I couldn't help."

I turned to him, making the most serious face I could. "Draco, without you I wouldn't have been able to do anything. I would have died! You helped with everything." I embraced him in my arms, feeling like everything was okay now that he was with me. "What do we do now?"

He reached for my face and kissed me, grabbing my hair in his hand. "That's all I've been wanting to do for the last two week."

I smiled cheekily at him. "That's all?" I raised an eyebrow.

He stretched out his hand for me to take. "Let's go get you cleaned up."

I took it but frowned. "What about Pansy? Is she waiting for you?"

"It's over," he's hooked his head. "I broke things off with her tonight. Seeing you with Silas, it-" he paused, squeezing my hand. "You're the one I want. I don't care what my parents say, I need you. You're the only one that's made me smile and laugh in god knows how long."

I put my hand to my head, suddenly realized how much it was bleeding. "Tell me this doesn't look as bad as it feels."

Draco braced me and we walked back to the mirror. I could see the bathroom through the glass. It was empty. We stepped through and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Don't worry," Draco kissed my forehead. "I won't let him get near you or this mirror ever again."

"We have to destroy it," I blurred out, suddenly terrified at the idea of Silas getting the last two rings. "He can't get any more of those rings."

He nodded and took out his wand. "Bombarda!" He shouted, but the spell didn't do anything. "Bombarba!" He tried again.

"Let me try," I stepped forward, fingering the ring on my index finger. "Bombarda maxima!"

There was a loud explosion and the mirror shattered into a billion pieces on the floor all around us.

"Blimey Wraith, that ring really gives your magic a hand," he said, in an almost jealous tone.

We crept out of the bathroom and into my dorm, which was the nearest one. "Poppy won't be here tonight. I overheard her talking about staying overnight with some boy named Dean."

"Perfect, I have you all to myself then," he kissed me and led me into the bathroom. "Let me help you. Those cuts looks nasty."

I turned around and he unbuttoned my dress. Nervously, I shrugged it off, revealing my black lace lingerie set. He eyed me up and down lustfully and turned the shower on. He plugged the drain of the cast iron tub and stood up. "I guess I'll just-"

"Stay." I grabbed his hand as he tried to leave. "I don't want to be alone." I looked at the floor shyly. "Besides, I'm shit at this first aid stuff." I unclasped the hook of my bra and let it fall to the floor, alone with my panties. This wasn't how I imagined Draco would first see me naked, but it was oddly romantic in a way.

I stepped into the bathtub, letting the water flow down my hair and wash all the blood and dirt off my skin. The water sent me in a warm trans and I almost forgot Draco was there. He put a hand on my head, examining my wound. "Here, I know a spell that might help. Episkey!" I gasped at the sudden sting. "Sorry. It didn't completely heal it, but it's stopped bleeding."

I grabbed the soap bar and scrubbed my legs and arms. Too bad I couldn't wash the Silas off of me. I could still feel his hands on my skin, touching my-

"You're beautiful," Draco interrupted my thoughts. I let out a tight laugh, turning away from him. "No I mean it. I was an idiot for choosing Pansy over you."

"It's okay Draco, I understand why you did it. You're parents sound like quite the handful."

I finished bathing and dried myself. I expected Draco to pounce on me, but I think he could tell how exhausted, physically and emotionally, I was. He showered after me and soon we were in my bed together, drifting off to sleep. I had terrible nightmares of Silas. Of what he was going to do to me when he came back for me.

The next morning I have expected Draco to be gone. But he was there beside me, his white hair sprawled across his face. He looked so sweet sleeping, not like when he was awake. He always looked so distant and cold.

I gave him a small kiss to wake up. He fluttered open his eyes and looked confused for a moment. "Sorry, I didn't mean to stay the whole night."

Suddenly there was a stumbling on the other side of the door and the knob jiggled.

"Shit, shit shit," I panicked and pulled him off the bed. He jolted towards the bathroom but I stopped him. "No, not there, she'll need to go in there. Hide under the bed."

He made a disgusted face but wiggled under. That moment Poppy burst through the door, her huge puffy pink dress in her hands. She tossed it on the bed and gave me a dismissing look.

I leaned against the wall, waiting for her to leave so I could get on with my day. "I didn't see you at the dance," she remarked, surprisingly speaking to me. For the last few weeks since she's befriended Kali and Bella, she's hardly said one word.

"I- I left early. I wasn't feeling well." I stuttered.

"I'm sure you felt a lot better after your night with Silas. I'm surprised he's here. What'd he do, just fuck you and leave?"

My mouth dropped at her accusation. "What's your fucking problem Poppy? You've never had a problem before Kali and Bella, what did they tell you?"

"They told me everything Layla," she turned, looking me in the eye for the first time in a month. "I can't believe I was friends with a murderer." She spat and walked out the door, slamming it hard behind her.

Was this all everyone would see me as? A fucking murderer? Even after I brought two people back from the dead and stopped a psychopath from getting the most powerful rings ever made? I loved Autumn and Aegon, but keeping this secret sucked. I could finally be free of this title, but here I am, like nothing ever changed.

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