11 - What Layla Did.

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I decided it was time to tell my story. Not to everyone, but at least to someone. To let go of the lies I'd been tying myself to for the past year.

"If I tell you this, just listen. Don't interrupt me until I'm finished, okay?" He nodded eagerly. "Last year Autumn was distraught about her brother going missing the year previous. She, like you, didn't believe he'd just run off. So, we went snooping around and found his diary hidden behind a loose stone in his old dorm room. Inside we read that he had found out about something. Something powerful, but he didn't exactly say what. But we knew he went looking for it, and that's when something bad happened. He'd written a few locations down he was going to look for it and we got into all of them except one. We'd cleared every option except the last location. It's a lake, under the school. It's just a legend, and not a very well known one at that but... we found reason to believe it was real. There's said to be a silver woman in the lake, behind a mirror, guarding the hearts of the four founders in the form of rings. If that's true, that could be the something powerful he was looking for."

I saw him about to burst with questions, but I held up a hand and continued with my story.

"There's a problem though. To get to the lake, you have to get beneath the school and there's only one way, but I think we found it. There's a secret bathroom in the dungeons that not even Filtch knows about. Or knew about before last year. At the very back there's a full length mirror with a snake wrapping all the way around it. We tested it and it had an enchantment on it. There's a way through it, I just don't know what it is. I thought I might've found the perfect spell in Aegon's diary. So, we gave it a try. He's a very gifted wizard and has an assortment of spells he's created all on his own. We thought this one would get us through the mirror but... we must have misread something, or I must have performed it wrong." A tear slid silently down my cheek. "I cast the spell at the mirror but it bounced back and hit Autumn. I tried to help but it was too late. There was blood everywhere. I must have screamed or something because that's how Pansy Parkins found us. I'm sure you heard the rest."

He let out a breath he had been holding. "Layla. I can't imagine what going through that was like," he grabbed my hand and held it in his. "Why didn't you ever tell anyone? It wasn't your fault. It was an accident."

"Could you imagine how much trouble I would get in if I told them we were trying to find a secret lake under the school that is said to contain four of the most powerful artifacts in wizard history? Besides, I only half lied. I told them we'd found one of her brothers spells and were trying it out. They ruled it an accident but... that doesn't mean everyone believes my innocence. And maybe I'm not innocent. I mean, I did kill her. Whether I meant to or not."

"Layla?" A light voice came from the door and I turned to see Draco. He was standing in the dark, mostly shadow, but I could make out his hair and eyes.

"Draco?" I panicked and stood up quickly, releasing Silas's hand. "How long have you been standing there?"

"I heard everything," his eyes looked pained as they pitied me. "Did all of that really happen?" His eyes glanced to Silas in a flash and then slid back to mine.

"Yes," I sighed. "It all happened. But, please, don't tell anyone." The thought of two people now knowing exactly what happened that night was starting to overwhelm me. I shouldn't have said anything. I should have kept it to myself and suffered in silence. That was the only way to make all this disappear.

"Draco! What's taking you so long?" An irritated Pansy ran up the stairs and latched herself into his arm. "Why are you talking to her?" She said in disgust as she glared at me. "Come on, let's go. You can send your owl later."

Draco's eyes longed after me, but Pansy quickly pulled him down the stairs, kissing his neck. I started to run after but Silas caught a hold of my arm. "Don't," he said, pulling me back in the room. "Let him go."

A pit formed in my stomach. I knew Draco wouldn't tell anyone what he heard but it still hurt. I wanted his arms to wrap around me and comfort me. I wanted his lips on my skin, and instead he was probably down there snogging Pansy and talking about the matching outfits they would be wearing during the All Hallows' Eve Dance.

So I did the only thing I could think of. The only thing that would make me feel better.

I crashed my lips onto Silas's and pulled his body against mine. He hesitated, but leaned into me when I wrapped my arms around his neck and tangled my fingers in his hair.

"You're so fucking beautiful," he whispered in my ear as she grabbed my legs and wrapped them around his waist. I felt his hard erection against me as he shoved me against the wall and kissed me harder.

I let out a soft moan and moved my hips against him. "I want you," I cried in his ear. A beg. He took my hands and held them above my head, supporting all my weight with his hips.

"I want you to be mine. Only mine," he said aggressively and undid his belt, tying my hands with it. His fingers rubbed between my thighs and my thoughts started to melt away. He thrusted inside me and put a hand over my mouth as I tried to release a loud moan. "Tell me you're mine," his hand moved to my throat and gave a light squeeze.

I closed my eyes at the euphoria that rushed through my body. The thrill washed away all my problems and worries, replacing them with lust and passion. "I'm yours," I whispered breathlessly. "I'm yours."

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