8 - A New Touble-Maker

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The cold floor of the bathroom was welcoming and familiar on my skin. My tears flowed down my cheeks and landed on the smooth concrete.

Autumn should be here, sitting beside me, laughing. Her shiny auburn hair would be glistening down her shoulders, laying elegantly on her skin. Her wonderful hazel eyes sparkling with light.

I slid the blade harder into my skin, hearing the blood drip on the floor.

It was my fault.
I killed her.
She's dead because of me.

"Layla stop," a glassy voice called and I looked up through tear filled eyes. "Don't." The voice of Autumn filled my ears but there was no one there.

"I'm going crazy," I grabbed my hair with both hands, the blood from my arm wetting my face.

"You're not crazy," said her soft, calming voice. It made my muscles relax, even if I knew it wasn't real. Her red lips were against my ear, her hot breath warming my skin.

Suddenly my breath caught as I realized what was happening. Hallucinating Autumn wasn't going to ease my pain, it would only make it worse. Autumn was gone, she wasn't okay. She wasn't sitting next to me on the secret bathroom floor like she had been last year.

I trailed over Autumn's ring that rested on my finger. I imagined it on her soft, slender hands. Then for the first time I realized I'd never actually seen it on her fingers. Or never noticed it at least. Autumn wore a lot of jewelry and I thought I'd seen it all, but I'd never noticed this one until I found it on the bathroom floor on her middle finger the day she died. It had slipped off as they carried her body out of the room and I'd snatched it before anyone else could take it. I'd worn it ever since.

I stood up and walked toward the mirror, gazing at a reflection I didn't recognize anymore. Blood from my arm smeared on my cheek. My eyes were dark and sunken in. My body was much too thin and fragile looking. My long black once lively hair was now dull and fell just below my breasts, long and wavy and unkempt.

I turned on the sink and washed away the blood, watching the red tinted water flow down the drain. Class would begin soon and I couldn't let myself look like such a mess. The cold water helped with the puffy and redness from crying in here all night.

One thing I'd learned so far from being back here, was that weekends were the worst. I was alone too much with my thoughts and not enough homework to distract me.

In my bag I pulled out some black eyeliner and applied a thin layer, creating a sexy cat eye. I put a little lip gloss on and some blush to liven up my sickly pale skin. I stared into the mirror, a little satisfied. Now at least I looked like a sexy ghost instead of just a ghost.

I grabbed my bags and headed out the secret room. I took a seat in Mcgonagall's classroom next to Poppy. "Where have you been? You didn't come in last night, I thought something bad might've happened," she whispered at me. I was surprised she was talking to me at all.

"Sorry, I fell asleep in the library and I guess no one woke me up," I tried to say as casually as possible. I knew she wanted to grill me more but Mcgonagall tapped the board with her wand, signaling the beginning of class.

"Good morning students, today we have a special announcement. We have a new student that will be joining us," a familiar black haired boy walked in as if on cue. "This is Silas Salvator, and he has been placed in house Slytherin."

No fucking way.

"Silas, please take a seat next to Miss Wraith," McGonagall gestures to the empty seat next to me. There was always one empty seat next to me. There would have been two if not for Poppy.

He smirked, locking eyes with me and taking the empty seat at the back of the classroom. "Hey trouble maker. Nice to see you again," he said flirtatiously, sitting a little too close for comfort. "Mind if I copy your notes?"

I sighed and pulled out my notes from last class and shoved them toward him, still not meeting his eyes. "Why were you in Hogsmeade yesterday?"

"Needed some last minute supplies for school," he shrugged. "Why were you there? I have a feeling you weren't supposed to be off school grounds."

I furrowed my brows, almost not believing the situation I was in. "Does it matter?"

He smiled at me. "Don't worry trouble maker, I keep secrets."

"Hi, I'm Poppy," she suddenly chimed in, leaning past me and reaching her hand out towards him. He shook it, a little disinterested. "What's your next class? I can show you if you don't know where it is." I tried not to vomit at her batting eyelashes.

"Thanks, but Miss Wraith over here already offered," he gestured to me, and she looked disappointed, slumping back into her chair. I caught a slight glare from her.

"What? I did not," I scowled at him. "And don't call me that."

"No, you didn't but our next class is the same. Potions. It's written on your binder." He looked proud of himself.

"You're in advanced potions? You've got to be kidding me."

He smirked. "And what would you like me to call you, Miss Wraith?"

"My name is Layla."

"Layla Wraith," he repeated my name, as if testing it. "I like the way that sounds on my lips."

I tried not to gag.

The grueling class period went by slowly, most of it occupied by me trying to ignore his bold gestures. When the bell rang I already had my books gathered and attempted to escape early and ditch him in the crowded hallways. Unfortunately for me he didn't want to make it that easy.

"Wraith," I heard a voice from behind me and I jumped at the chance for someone to save me. "I need to talk to you," Draco squared up to me, speaking lowly. He caught sight of the boy standing beside me and sized him up. "Who are you?"

"I'm new. I don't believe we've met. I'm Salvatore, Silas Salvator. Are you a friend of Miss Wraith's?"

"Draco Malfoy," he shook his hand awkwardly. "Yes, and I need to speak with her alone please," he urged and Silas, surprisingly, took the hint and headed down the hallway by himself. Not soon after, poppy hurried down after him, seeing that he was now alone. "Please, will you help me find what I'm looking for? You've managed to avoid me all weekend but you can't do it forever."

I shook my head and closed my eyes, tired of the conversation already. "Draco, I can't do that again."

"You don't even know what I'm looking for yet."

"What then?"

He pulled me into an empty doorway away from the crowd. "I'm looking for Salazar Slytherin's engagement ring he gave to Helga Hufflepuff."

"Draco, that's a powerful ring, what could you want with it?"

"It's not me that wants it," he hesitated. "It's my father. That's what he wants me to bring him if I want back in the family." He read my expression and changed his tone to beg, "please Layla, I've tried everything. I don't know where else to start. If I don't do this for my father..." he trailed off, his expression so many different things. "It's impossible to explain. But I wouldn't be doing this if it wasn't for a good reason. Someone I love is in trouble."

I sighed heavily, weighing the inner conflict in my head. I've read about this ring and it was powerful; in the wrong hands it could do some real damage. It was one of four rings that were rumored to be hidden in the castle, one once belonging to each of the four founders. But on the other hand what damage could Draco's father actually do? He can't want it for anything that sinister. After the conversation we had the other day, everything he said about his family. Draco wasn't like them. He wasn't dark. He wasn't bad. "Fine," I gave in. "I'll try and help you. But promise me I won't regret it."

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