Chapter 1

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The heavy wooden doors were pushed open and a young girl shrunk into herself at the sight of the fae at the door.

"What can I do for you?" She regained her composure and thrust her chin outwards.

The three males exchanged glances but one of the females addressed her, "We are here to see out step-sister. Heart Evan-" She was cut short by a stern voice.

"Go back to your lesson." An older woman descended the staircase behind them and the young girl gracefully greeted her before retreating behind a door. The woman faced them, her blue eyes piercing through all of them. "Nesta Archerone." She nodded towards one of the females, who returned her greeting somewhat sourly. "What brings you all to my doorstep?"

Nesta looked to her left at her youngest sibling, "Don't ask me. Feyre asked me to come here." With this, she took a step back and looked away with distaste.

The woman took a breath at that and turned her attention towards the said female, "Feyre?" She prodded gently.

Feyre blinked slowly at the air of calm but stern authority that her half sister carried before speaking, "I think we should speak inside."

She raised her eyebrows, "I imagined none of you would want to see me, let alone be in my house. By all means,-" she held out her hand. "-come inside."

The group entered and were taken to a large office full of books and different musical instruments. "Be careful of the strings please." The woman said politely when a particular General's wings got too close to one of the finely polished instruments. She took a seat in the chair behind the desk and motioned for them to sit in the five chairs that were neatly positioned in front of her. Ignoring the strangeness of having five chairs they all sat, except Nesta who stood in the farthest corner.

After glancing at her once, the woman turned to address her guests. Purposefully ignoring the fae males, she spoke to her sister. "Where is Elaine?"

"She didn't want to come." Nesta interjected as Feyre bit her lip.

Heart smiled faintly, "No, I don't imagine she did. Anyhow," she sucked in a breath. "-you are here and I'm curious to find out the reason."

Rhysand, who had been silent all through the interaction, exchanged a brief glance with his mate. Feyre chose her words carefully, remembering how important this was, "I have heard that you are well respected among medics of all sorts."

Heart lifted a shoulder, "I hope I am."

"My son-"

"You have a son?" She exclaimed. "I didn't know! Congratulations!"

Feyre smiled at that and nodded, "Thank you. I wish I had known about your house when he was born so you could've been present at his birth."

Nesta scoffed from her place near the wall and Feyre's smile dimmed. Heart ignored her sister and held Feyre's hand. "I hope I can see him soon."

"That's what we are here for." Feyre looked at her mate who squeezed her hand and nodded, urging her to go on. "He is not well. We don't -" a sob made her stop and Rhysand swiftly pulled her closer as she collected herself.

He spoke in her place. "No medic in Prythian can find out what the illness is and, even though so far there have hardly been any symptoms, his appetite has gone down significantly. He won't eat, sleep or play. It's like he is in a daze. He doesn't seem to recognise any of us for a few seconds when he sees us." The pain in his voice was evident as he recounted everything that had been going on for weeks now.

Heart listened carefully and chewed on her lip for a second, "These can be the symptoms of several different illnesses. It might just be fever that has lasted too long." She tried to soothe the parents of the child. "I will have to see the child to clearly know what is the exact problem."

Feyre wiped the moisture lingering under her,ashes and nodded, "You can come live with us in Velaris."

"Velaris?" Heart tilted her head to a side.

"Our home." Rhysand explained, "The Night Court."

"That's my nephew. I'd go anywhere for him." Hearty left her seat and they all rose from theirs. Narrowing her eyes at Feyre, she smiled. "Fill me in on the story, yes?"

Smiling once again, Feyre nodded, "Of course. We can leave as soon as you want."

"And I can leave as soon as this troublemaker wants." Heart said and pulled open a closet, revealing a small figure crouching inside it. Several giggles followed as she lifted the child into her arms. His eyes were a warm brown - the same as his mother's, and his hair were a tangle of dark- presumably, also like her mother.

"Who is that?" Feyre cooed at the baby who was smiling broadly at the group of fae.

"This is Pippor. And Pippor-" she held the child's attention. "-this is your aunt Feyre."

The child reached out with his little hands and Feyre held him. He soon wrapped his arms around her legs in a greeting. "Hewwo." He muffled against the fabric of her dress and Feyre laughed.

"Hello, Pippor." She looked at Heart. "He is adorable."

"Well, there are downsides to that." She chuckled and picked him up. "Pippor, do you want to meet your brother?"

His eyes went round and wide like saucers, "Yes!" Wrapping his legs around his mother's torso, he excitedly clapped his hands. "Should I pack?"

"Yes, darling." Heart kissed his forehead. "You're very smart."

Telling them all to wait as it would only take her a few minutes to get ready, she walked past the General and the spymaster with the excited baby in her arms and neither of them missed the distinctively pointed ears on the supposedly mortal female.

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