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Rhythm: I didn't really know what I was doing when I started this fanfic so everything was mostly based around the fact that Pip is cute and everyone loves him (as they should). Another major thing was seeing Azriel as a father which I think is pretty consistent throughout the work so, I decided to not add anything distinct (or sexual) to this epilogue and write it like any other chapter unlike in the other fics.

I hope you enjoyed this one as well!!

Some days were just too hectic for Heart and Pip's arrival after a long day at school only provided a little comfort as he immediately wanted to be picked up and have lunch.

Today, as soon as her students had departed, she took to cutting up fruit for her son who had made it clear that he hated everything healthy. Sadly for him, she was not going to back off even though his father had given up.

It was a hot, sunny day and Azriel had promised her that he would be back soon after Pippor's returning time. She looked out of the window to see if there was a dark figure appearing on the horizon. Seeing nothing, she returned to cutting up strawberries. Azriel had made a face at that, stating that strawberries were not meant to be cut up. While she agreed, Pip objected heavily and she had to spend an extra fifteen minutes on the task.

The door burst open just then, and Pippor stormed in. Ditching his backpack on a sofa, he rushed over to his mother.

Heart set the knife aside and hugged him. His face was drenched in sweat and, kissing his mother on the cheek, Pip complained, "It's so hot in the school and other kids keep touching me, I hate them."

Frowning, he climbed up on a chair across from her and stuffed a grape in his mouth. Heart poured him a glass of water which he gulped down quickly.

Heart adoringly brushed his hair out of his face and said, "Summers are the same everywhere."

Pip, still mad, slammed the empty cup down, "But people won't constantly be touching me! The boy that sits with me fell asleep on me! He didn't even put his head on the desk." He huffed and puffed for a while more but soon forgot about the school when his father walked in.

Azriel scooped him up and sat down with him in his lap across from Heart. Pip, who was no longer sweating, bombarding his father with the information of all the things he had learnt at school that day. Still paying attention to Pip, Azriel pressed a kiss to Heart's mouth. She smiled against his lips and cupped his face.

Pip, tired of all the affection being thrown around, tugged his parents away from each other, "Listen to me! I'm in dims- dism-"

"Distress." Azriel supplied.

"Yes!" He exclaimed. "I don't know a lot of words. I have to also draw a dog and I don't know how to draw a dog."

As he seemed distressed, Heart kissed his head, "That's okay. You will learn. I'll draw the dog this time."

Pip was not entirely satisfied but agreed to have lunch calmly and then do whatever homework he could. Heart promising to draw the dog and Azriel promising to play the piano with him later at night.

Azriel served the lunch while Heart took a look at Pip's homework.

"You already know all this, Pip." She remarked.

"Right and I still have to write this down when I'm not even going to do most of this."

Heart smiled softly at him, "Why are you so upset today?"

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