Chapter 25

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Pippor had made it clear that he was going to cure Nyx this time and nobody could argue with him after he covered his ears and shut his eyes tightly. At last, Heart sighed and dragged him out from under the bed by his ear. He yelped but stood quietly as she lectured him about how important it is to be patient during this process.

"But Nyx is so much better now!" He protested.

Heart said, "Yes, Pip. It's because you were patient. We might need to-"

"No!" Pip shook his head and his parents noticed tears roll down his cheeks. "I am going to cure him!"

"Pip." Heart said softly and kneeled in front of him. "Nyx is okay. He is going to recover quickly."

Azriel added, "And if we take it steady he will be better than ever."

They assured him for a long time but he kept insisting that he wanted to do the most. It reminded Azriel of the time he spent in Velaris while Rhysand was under the mountain. He had felt so helpless and the need to help his brother was eating away at him. He did not want to know what he would do if he had that feeling when he was small child.

Heart cradled him in her lap, mumbled smoothly, and rubbed his back as he sobbed in the crook of her neck. Azriel, desperate to provide some comfort, looked at Heart with an alarmed expression that screamed, 'What do I do?'

She beckoned him forward so he stepped towards them and ruffled Pip's hair. "Do you want to buy more colors?" She said to Pip and he shook his head.

Azriel frowned with worry, "Why don't you show me the drawings you have made already? I haven't seen a single one."

Pip pulled away from his mother and rubbed his eye. He looked up at Azriel with wet eyes and a red face. "I will show them to you tomorrow." Pressing his cheek against Heart's chest, he mumbled, "I don't want to be away from Mum."

The shadowsinger smiled softly, "Okay. Can I stay with you two?"

Pip nodded so he situated himself behind Heart and wrapped his arms around both of them. After some time, Pip called out to him, "Do you have a brother?"

Azriel mumbled back, "I have Rhys and Cassian. We have been together since we were very young."

"What did you do when they got hurt?" Pip asked.

"Well-" Azriel thought for a second, "-Cassian always just dusted himself off and laughed about it. Rhys might take the injury seriously and see a medic. I was very scrawny so I was the one getting hurt mostly." A smile ghosted his lips at the memories. "Cassian used to beat me up. All the time. But that only made me a better warrior and he didn't mean to cause actual harm so I forgive him."

Pip listened carefully and then asked, "What about a sister?"

"I'd say Feyre is like a sister to me." Azriel speculated. "But we haven't known each other for a long time."

Pip was silent for a very long time after that and his parents exchange curiously glances. He stuck his chin out and looked up at both of them, "I want to know a sister since I am very young."

Heart froze.

Azriel grinned, "Sure. We can arrange that."

He immediately got elbowed for that. Heart cupped Pip's face, "It takes a very long time to have a sister, Pip. And besides, you have Nyx."

Pip pondered, "But-" this time unfortunately his quick brain couldn't find a reason for a sibling so he went back to his request, "I just want a sister."

Azriel comforted him, "We will think about it, okay?"

Pip nodded vigorously, "Yes. Then she can train with Aunty Mor. She's the best teacher."

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