Chapter 21

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Pip was more than excited when Heart informed him that he was capable of helping Nyx. Azriel, who had spent two nights in different courts for various reasons, immediately flew back. As soon as he was back, Pip clung to him and went on and on about how glad he was that Nyx could finally play with him. Azriel was worried still.

"I've decided on a milder method, don't worry." Heart told him when she met him and he voiced his concerns. "Pip doesn't have to completely eradicate the problem at once. We can start slowly- half hour, an hour, and so on. If I'm not wrong, which I never am, Nyx has slowed down time by five hours. Pip can, with his lack of proper guidance, only speed things up to an hour at once."

Azriel relaxed, "So we are going to work for several days to keep him safe?"

"Something like that." Heart went on. "The problem with this would be that Nyx would lose his outlet for his powers and that could lead to an even bigger problem later on."

"So what can we do?" Instead of Pip, now Azriel's concern shifted to Nyx.

"I talked to both Rhysand and Feyre. With a little help and guidance from Majda, we might be able to teach him some other harmless things so he doesn't create any other problems until he is older."

"And who is going to help him develop those.....outlets?" Azriel inquired.

Heart took a deep breath, "Rhysand apparently has something on his mind. I would trust him with that."

Azriel nodded in understanding and sat by Heart's side. Putting his arm around her, he kissed the top of her head. She rested her head on his chest and sighed.  "I am going to sleep for so long after this is done."

He rubbed her arm and pulled her closer. "You're still on your cycle. Maybe we should wait another day."

Heart shook her head, "No. It's not a long process, we should be done in a few minutes. I'm not going to push Pip, he will stop when he feels like he's getting tired." She pushed herself out of her chair and clasped her palms together, "Let's get this done with." She advanced towards the door and Azriel followed her close behind her. She pointed a finger at him as they made their way to Nyx's nursery. "Both me and Pip are going to sleep after this so you better not fly anywhere while we're sleeping. I hate waking up alone."

Azriel nodded sincerely, "As you say."

Every person in the house was gathered and Heart had to tell them to stand away. Only her and Feyre were close to the children while the rest had taken to standing nervously in a corner. Heart didn't waste her breath on calming anyone down because she was in pain and miserable.

She knelt by Pippor, "Listen to me carefully, okay? And only do what i tell you to."

Pip nodded excitedly, "But will Nyx be able to play with me after this?"

"Most probably." Heart smiled sweetly at him and tucked his hair behind his ear. "But the most important thing is that neither of you should get hurt. If you get tired, or something else feels wrong, I need you to come back to me immediately. Can you do that for me?"

Pip nodded rapidly and put his palm on his chest, "Don't worry, I'm very smart."

"I know, baby." Hearr kissed his cheek. "That's why I trust you with this."

She took a deep breath and took a step away. Feyre stepped back as well but still remained relatively close to Nyx. Pip seemed normal for a long few minutes, then his body tensed up rapidly. Azriel flinched and Feyre looked agitated.

Then, Pup relaxed, his body almost went limp but he remained on his feet. Azriel saw his eyes shift to the same cloudy, fluid way he had seen in the garden. Nyx kicked around in his crib before crying out. Feyre almost reached out to hold him but Morrigan held her hand. Heart shook her head and she returned to anxiously watching both children.

Azriel looked over at Rhysand. He watched Nyx carefully and then turned his attention towards Pip.

Everyone's worry seemed to subside when Nyx's cries went down. He resorted to quiet sobs but Heart still held up her hand to stop anyone from touching him. Pip was still in a daze and now Azriel reached out. He cautiously kneeled by Pip's side and touched his arm.

Pip turned his face to look at his father. "I need to sleep."

"Yes, you must be tired." Azriel softly said.

"I am sleeping." He referred to what Azriel assumed was the near future. "And they took mum away."

Now, Heart spoke to him, "I'm right here, Pip. You promised to come back to me."

Pip didn't look at her for a long time but his body went rigid. He then sighed and stumbled as his eyes cleared and Azriel quickly scooped him up in his arms. He quickly left the room to put Pip to bed while Heart inspected Nyx. Everyone seemed much better now that Nyx was moving faster and recognizing them quicker. Feyre cradled him and Rhysand had his arms around both of them.

Cassian asked, "Will we need to do more of this?"

Heart observed Nyx, "Perhaps once or twice. Pip did more than I expected him to."

They all nodded but expressed concerns about how Pip had to be carried out. Heart assured them that he hadn't fainted and was only tired before leaving the overjoyed parents with their child to go and see hers.

Pip had already been tucked in by the time she arrived and barely had his eyes open. "Did I do good?" He asked his mother.

She smiled proudly at him and nodded, "You did better than anything I ever expected." Kissing his forehead, she smiled down softly at him as he drifted to sleep.

Azriel spoke up, "Will he be fine?"

Heart nodded, "Yes. He doesn't have a fever and didn't even break a sweat. He is stronger than I expected. Let him rest." She assured him before getting up from the bed.

Azriel pulled her closer by her waist, "And Nyx?"

"Much better." She brushed his hair with her fingers. "We can do this again next week maybe and be done with this mess."

Azriel hummed. "You should go to bed. I will go and see Nyx in the meantime. I will come back soon."

Heart let go of him and he pecked her softly before turning around. He paused near the door when Heart had just gotten in bed. "What did he mean by they took you away?" He frowned.

Heart said, "Ah, that. Looking into the past is easier that looking into the future."

Azriel nodded, "Hmm. Memories are easier to remember." and left after closing the door behind himself.

Heart laid by Pip's side for a long time thinking about how much she had tried to not let Pip remember those horrible days and had still failed.

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