Chapter 12

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After several desperate pleas from Pippor, Heart had agreed to let him go out into the city with Azriel who had also bought up the point that he needed to know Pip more if he was going to be successful at being her mate. Reluctantly, she let both of them go and they headed straight to the biggest and the brightest toy shop in the city. Pip looked around at everything passing by with large, alert eyes from his position on Azriel's shoulders. Every once in a while he would see something that sparked his interest and Azriel would have to stop and explain it to him. Once, a puppy wagged his tail excitedly when Pip spotted him and waved so Az had to lift the small creature so the boy could pet him.

It was no longer a strange sight for the people of Velaris to see someone from the house of wind going to a toy shop. Especially since there was already a baby even before Pip arrived who was showered with as much affection as one could get. There was a small man behind the counter who perked up at seeing the spymaster and the little boy jumping up and down. Overwhelmed at the sight of so many colourful things at once, Pippor spun in place and took in the entire place from floor to ceiling.

He crossed his arms and faced Azriel who had let him down once they were inside, and asked, "Are you trying to bribe me?"

"Me?" Azriel stared at him in disbelief. "Why would I do that?"

"Because mom would never be nice to you if you're not nice to me." Pip tapped his little foot and glared at the man towering over him.

" trying your friend." The shadowsinger articulated. "You don't have any friends here. That's it."

"Liar." Pip huffed. "You're so much taller, why would you be my friend? I'm very small."

"That's a very good point, Pip. Let's say-" The new accusations made the shadowsinger hesitant. "-let's say that I'm trying to be your mom's friend." He smiled to make it more convincing.

"Lies. Lies. Lies." The boy shook his head. "I know what you're trying to do." He glared menacingly at the warrior before hopping onto a stool and setting his hands on the counter top.

"What am I trying to do?" Az narrowed his eyes.

"I want that one." Pip ignored him in the favour of a glittering toy. "Can I have that?"

"Of course." Azriel motioned for the owner to bring the toy but kept his eyes on the boy. "Anything else?"

"Oh, that ball." Pip pointed at the yellow sphere in a corner. He giggled when he was finally handed the toys and pressed his chubby cheek against the smooth surface. "Let's go." He tugged at Az's sleeve.

"You only bought two things." Az frowned.

"I only wanted two." He sincerely said and struggled with holding both in his arms as the ball almost rolled out of his grasp.

"You're a strange child." Az shook his head as they exited the shop and Pip held onto his finger and cradled his bright ball as he skipped across the street.

"Mum always buys me a lot of things but I remember when they would take her away after I took them so I don't take all of them. That way, she can stay with me." Pip smiled at an old lady and waved at another cat while speaking but Azriel grounded his teeth.

"You can keep all the toys that you want. Nobody is going to take away your mum." He said softly and Pip shook his head.

"I don't need them." He grinned brightly at Azriel who couldn't help but smile back. "Can I have a colouring book in place of a toy?"

"Of course." He nodded. "Let's go." Picking Pip up, he cut through the crowd and it wasn't long before Pip was staring in amazement as the young woman displayed all the different colours. Azriel watched Pip skip over all of them and set his eyes at a set of different types of pencils. He couldn't tell much difference between them but Azriel was sure Pip must have seen something in them as he insisted on buying them. After several stubborn "I don't want any pallet. I don't know what that is. I just want this." Pip finally acquired what he wanted and was the merriest child in the market. Waving at small animals and smiling at everyone, he finally walked faster when the sun seems low on the horizon.

"Should I carry you?" Azriel offered and the boy simply held out his hands. Sitting on his shoulders, Pip pouted and put his chin on Az's head. "Did you have fun?" Az asked.

"I did." Pip nodded slowly. "Mum was alone all day."

Azriel chuckled at his thoughtfulness and assured him that she wasn't. In fact, he could tell that she was taking Nyx's temperature as they spoke. Upon inquiry, he had to reveal that his shadows were always around Heart so he always knew that she safe and she could also check on Pip. She had only once used the bond to ask about Pip but it wasn't needed so Azriel had only used it to spend his time in guessing what could possibly make her giddy in the afternoon and why she was so annoyed in the middle of a reading. His shadows had given him the answer to both questions- Coffee.

After a long pause, Pip said, very nonchalantly, "Are you my father now?"

"What?" Azriel stopped in his tracts.

"My father." Pip repeated. "Isn't this what fathers do? I see a lot of children with old men who take them on walks and buy them things. That makes you my father." He pondered some more. "And you let me sit on your shoulders. You also held my hand while walking. I've seen fathers do that." Azriel was still in shock when Pip added, "I understand if you don't know that. You told me you didn't have a father."

He scoffed, "I suppose I didn't. If that's what a father does, I didn't." Looking up a little, he smiled, "But I can't be your father until your mum wants me to be, can I?"

"That's true." Pip nodded and tapped his chin. "I will talk to her about it. I like you when you're not acting stupid."

"Very flattering." Azriel started towards the house again.

The way was short and before long Pip had dramatically collapsed in the arms of his mother who showered him with kisses and smiled gratefully at Azriel. Scooping him up in her arms, Heart inspected Pip and told Azriel. "I've seen some improvements in Nyx. They aren't much but it's a relief."

"Oh, thank the cauldron!" Az sighed and smiled. "Does this mean he will cure himself?"

"Not completely. He's a baby and doesn't know what he's doing but he also can't keep that much power in. He needs an outlet and this is just a subconscious one." She admitted and Az nodded. "The cure is almost ready, though. You don't have to worry about anything."

"I will be eternally grateful to you." He breathed out.

"Don't be. Nyx is my nephew as well." She shook her head.

"I have many things to be grateful for." He said sincerely and Heart didn't respond straight away. After a long moment of silence, she lowered her gaze and bit her lip. "Thank you for taking care of Pip." She said briefly.

"You don't need to thank me for taking care of my son. I'm being a parent." Heart's head snapped up. He grinned. "His words, not mine."

She glanced at Pippor before laughing in disbelief, "You sly bastard." Shaking her head at her unconcerned son, she didn't say another word and only turned to left.

Azriel watched the rhythmic sway of her hips before heading towards his own room while whistling a low tune.

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