Chapter 2

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Before Heart took her first step into the house of wind, the attention of the entire Inner Circle of Night Court was on her and the baby in her arms. The pointed ears on both the mother and the child were hard to miss when they had all expected them to be mortal.

Cassian whispered something to Rhysand and they exchanged sceptical glances before returning to communicating to their respective mates through their bonds. The spymaster stalked behind all of them, his shadows thick as night and his eyes curiously scanning the mother and the baby who was bouncing with excitement. For the longest time, Pip had rested his head on his mother's shoulder and now that he was in new surroundings, his large eyes excitedly skipped over every surface. He giggled and pointed at the clouds that were casting a colourful shadow over the glass panels of the windows. Birds swooped down and spread their soft feathers and the little boy shrieked with joy, his little fingers curling into a fist, clutching his mother's clothes.

Azriel silently watched the mysterious pair before his eyes flickered over the gleaming figure of Morrigan who had been waiting for them to return. He waited for the pleasantries to be exchanged and they all saw a small frown form between Morrigan's golden brows but she soon replaced that with a smile when Pippor grinned at her and mumbled a little "Hewwo." Just like he had with Feyre.

Heart let her hold her son who seemed thrilled to be held by someone new and asked about the whereabouts of Nyx. She was rushed to his nursery but Azriel stayed behind with Morrigan and Pip. It was easier to get kids to tell secrets than adults.

He carefully walked over to the laughing child that had tears collecting at the corners of his eyes and Morrigan stopped tickling him. She knew why he was there and made the toddler sit on the couch beside her. Azriel sat on the other side and asked himself for a brief second if interrogation the nephew of his High Lady, and the son of the woman who was there to heal Nyx, was acceptable. The suspicion that their secret might be dangerous outweighed any civility and he ruffled Pip's hair.

The baby smiled brightly at him and Azriel noticed that he was almost the exact copy of his mother. The same dark hair curled on the top his head and the same large, deep blue eyes sparkled under long lashes. His round cheeks had a slight red tinge to them that only made him more adorable but that wasn't something that was going to stop Azriel from getting what he wanted.

Mor, who had been watching them so far, whispered, "I'm going inside."

Azriel nodded briefly and the boy let go of Mor's finger as he watched her rise from her seat. His eyes followed her and returned to Azriel as she disappeared in a hallway that led to Nyx's nursery.

Without faltering in front of the intense of gaze of the shadowsinger, he reached out his hand and wrapped his little fingers around his scarred ones before climbing down and standing very close to Azriel.

Azriel watched him carefully as Pip chewed his lip and pointed his unoccupied hand at the ink poking out of his jacket. "Do you put that on yourself or does your mom help you?"

"Huh?" There were a lot of bizarre things Azriel had heard in his life. Plenty of outrageous lies and fabricated stories and definitely some comical statements thanks to his brothers. Apparently, a child's questions were better than any of those.

"Those." Pippor got onto his toes to touch his neck  and jabbed a finger at his throat. "Do you put them on yourself?"

"Do I- What?" The Interrogation had soon flipped over and the shadowsinger faced the most confusing question he had ever encountered. He suddenly wished for someone to torture him and ask him about the secrets of the Night Court.

Pip clicked his tongue as if he was dealing with someone very stupid and climbed into Azriel's lap. "This." He pressed his fingertips at the black curling over Azriel's skin. "Where does this come from?"

"It's- um - I got that done." Azriel replied with uncertainty. "It stays there."

"Always?" Pip's eyes grew the size of saucers.

"Always. Nobody puts that on every morning." Azriel smiled, at last, at the silliness of the chubby kid curled up in his lap.

"Scary." Pip fake shivered. "If I was you, I would make them colourful." He said with some disapproval.

Azriel inspected his tattoos. "Colourful?"

Pippor nodded, "Like a rainbow. Fun."

That day, The Spymaster learnt that the disapproval of a child was worse than the anger of an adult. One was momentarily intimidating, the other one made you reconsider everything you have ever done in life.

His new outlook on life was shattered soon by voices returning their way. Pip launched himself into his mother's arm as soon as she came into view. She scooped him up and pecked his cheek.

"Az." Rhysand said. "Go back with Heart to the mortal land and help her return with everything she deems useful."

He noticed that the lines of worry on his brother's brow had relaxed but were not completely gone and Feyre even smiled a little.

He cast a questioning glance at both of them but Rhysand signalled for him to wait.

Nodding, he watched Heart pass Pip over to Feyre who kissed the top of her head and cradled him. She then walked over him and held out her hand. Through her soft features, he noticed a hardness that made him reach for her quicker than he had intended. Almost as if she was communicating her concealed displeasure at his laziness. Her grip was firm on his hands and she didn't even flinch when they winnowed away.

In front of her house, she pulled her hand back and walked up to the towering structure.

"Wait." Azriel said, unable to be in the dark for a moment longer. "What has happened to Nyx?" He followed her inside the now familiar house. This time it was empty, the students or assistants, long gone.

"Nothing." She mumbled.

"What do you mean nothing? He is not ill?" Azriel frowned.

"Not at all." She shook her head.

"Then what is he?" Azriel shook his head in frustration.

Heart looked up, deep eyes boring into his dark ones. "Trapped."

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