Chapter 26

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Nyx was more relaxed this time and Pippor was more determined. Heart's ears rang but she could do nothing about that so Azriel held her hand as they both watched Pip's eyes become watery. He was very still this time and Nyx only whimpered twice but never broke out into tears.

Azriel was careful not to take him eyes away from Pip whose head was tilted to a side as if he had found something amusing to see but they knew that he was not looking at anything in the present.

Pip whispered something as Nyx's movement became faster. The baby was flailing his arms around at a normal pace now. Heart exchanged a look with her mate.

"I didn't know he could actually do that." She whispered, sounding mildly proud.

"Of course, he could." Azriel mumbled back. "Should we bring him back?"

Heart reached out to touch Nyx's arm and check his pulse. After a long second she smiled. "It's normal. His internal organs are back to working at a normal pace."

Feyre leaned towards her, "That must mean he's okay, right?" She sounded optimistic.

Heart nodded with a grin and retracted her arm. She did stop Feyre from picking Nyx up and kneeled by Pip's side.

"Pippor." She whispered. "Can you hear me, darling?"

Pip didn't move, his eyes listless.

Azriel hooked an arm around his shoulder. "Can you hear us, Pip?"

Pip flinched, then his face relaxed. Eyes closing slowly, he leaned to a side and Azriel immediately held him up. "Let's get you in the bed." He kissed Pip's cheek. "You did great."

Pip mumbled something but the energy had drained from his body and nobody could hear him. He fell asleep even before they could exit.

Heart stayed back to do a thorough check up for Nyx as Azriel tucked Pip in and waited by his side. When Heart returned, he raised his eyebrows.

She quietly shut the door behind herself, "He's sleeping for now but everything seems normal."

"What if he falls back into it?" His voice was laced with worry.

"Rhysand was busy when I came. I think he might be preparing some easier way to act as an outlet for Nyx's powers." She sat by his side and tucked her knees under her chin. "I will also keep doing regular checks to make sure he's okay."

Azriel grimaced and squeezed her hand, "I'm sure this is the end of our troubles." He kissed the top of her head and stood up. "I'm going to see Nyx."

She nodded and let his hand go. He left quickly and Heart was left sitting alone. Her eyes swept around the room and she realised it was time to leave that place. Two months had passed incredibly quickly and now, before she even realized, she had a mate and a whole family. There was little bonding between her and Nesta and Elaine but she had a spent a lot of time with Feyre. Given how fond Pip had grown of Nyx, she was sure they would grow closer as time passed.

She sighed and fell backwards onto the bed. A cold gust of wind swept over her.

"I hate this weather." She mumbled as she saw the storm approaching and had to get up to close the window.

Below her, the bright city had grown quiet and dull as it's residents retreated inside their houses. Heart, taking one last look at Pip to make sure he was comfortable, fished out a pair of thick leggings and a sweater, and decided to take a warm shower.

While in the hot water, she made mental lists of things that were to come now that this ordeal was over. Lists had always helped her to calm down. It had been a long time since had written down a list and she suddenly craved the satisfaction of knowing what was to come and planning for it.

One out of the bath, she dipped under the covers and made several lists - scheduling her visits to The Night Court, lists for her own class and what she was going to teach, lists about how to further her research, major things like securing her house with a protective shield. Before she knew it, hours had passed in the planning and the dark storm was at it's peak. Someone struck a match  ad she looked up to see her mate putting a lit candle by her side.

"You will go blind like this." He chided and set her glasses on her nose.

She pushed them back and immediately her brows relaxed. "I didn't notice how dark it got." She pulled the sleeves of her sweater down.

Azriel shook his head and resigned himself to laying between her and Pip, "Obviously, you didn't. What were you writing?"

"Oh, um, lists." She gathered all the pages and stacked them together.

"So many lists?" Azriel raised his eyebrows at the pages. "What are you planning?"

"Everything." She shrugged. "Is Nyx sleeping?"

"They all are. Feyre and Rhys haven't had a good night's sleep for the last few months." He informed her.

Heart nodded sympathetically, "It must have been so tough on them both." She put her lists aside and curled up next to the spymaster.

He kissed her head and put his arm around her waist, "You didn't tell me what you were planning."

"Ah, that." She traced the knots of his leathers with her forefinger. "Things like my classes, checkups for Nyx, school for Pip."

Azriel groaned, "I can't believe he will have to be away for hours."

Heart snorted, "He will visit you on every weekend since Rhysand is going to teach him how to use his powers."

Azriel clicked his tongue, "I can winnow. I will be at your house everyday."

Her eyes lit up, "I forgot about that. So, you don't have to fly for hours? That's great."

He nodded, "We can actually have a somewhat normal life. Just think of me as a normal mortal mate-"

"Husband." Heart corrected him.

"Right. That. So, just think of me going to any other usual workplace and returning in the evening."

Heart snorted, "Except your usual is torturing people?"

He complained, "We don't talk about that."

"Okay." She laughed and kissed him softly. "Well, if you're my normal, mortal husband you should come home before it's too late-"

"I can't be away from you for long."

"-and you should take Pip to a park to play-"

"How could I not?"

"- and if you make me cry, you'll have to eat burnt food."

"You can stab me if I ever make that mistake."

"-oh! And you have to take me on vacations." Heart listed off things as Azriel smiled brightly at her.

"Anything else?" He asked adoringly.

She pondered for a second, "Don't forget my birthday. I will make you sleep on the footpath."

"The horror! I wouldn't dare." He dramatically exclaimed but she wasn't quiet done yet.

"Oh and I don't like cleaning and I also don't like strangers touching my things so you will have to clean the house. I'll take on the cooking." Looking quiet satisfied with herself, she nodded. "That's about it."

"That's a surprisingly short list. I expected more." He declared.

"I'm just giving you the basics for now." She flipped her hair to one side and laid down on his chest. Feeling warm, she stretched when her eyes started to get heavy.

He brushed her hair slowly with his fingers as Heart dozed off. Before falling asleep however, she mumbled one last time, "We will leave in a day or two and I'm taking truth-teller with me. Don't miss us too much."

He smiled, "I'll be there with you as soon as I can be. Go to sleep now."

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