Chapter 1

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Serena's P.O.V.

I am Serena Yvonne. I am a 15 year old girl, just living a normal life in the pokemon world. I live in the Kalos Region, and my hometown is Vanilville Town. People say I am a sweet, loving and cheerful person. I kind of grew to get used to all of those compliments.

The sun was shining bright through the window beside my bed. My bed is so comfy, I could stay here all day. Unfortunately, my mom has a stupid Fletchling to wake me up every morning.

"Fletch!" The pokemon says as it sits on my chest.

"Yeah yeah...I'm getting up."

"Fletching!" The pokemon flaps its wings and flys away.

I look outside the window only to be blinded by the sunlight. I quickly look away and get up. I walk over to my dresser to pick out my everyday clothes. I change and look at myself in the mirror. My ocean blue eyes start twinkling in my reflection. I am wearing a dark grey tank top with a white collar, a red high waisted skirt, black stockings and black high tops. To top of my outfit, I put on my pink hat, paired with a black ribbon bow. I do have a love for cute clothes and fashion. I leave my honey blonde hair down, and just tied the bottom. I grab my pink backpack and run downstairs.

"Serena, breakfast is on the table." My mom says.

"Alright mom."

I sit down on the dining table. My mom has made my favourite breakfast, blueberry pancakes. I quickly eat and constantly check my phone for any new text messages.

"Hurry up Serena, you need to catch the bus!" My mom looks at me.

"I just finished." I say while getting up and putting my plate on the sink.

"Bye mom, see ya." I hug her and leave the house.

I walk outside, and it was a lot warmer than I thought it would be today. I walk over to the bus stop, and as usual, I wait for the bus.

"Come on out, Fennekin!" I toss my pokeball.

"Fenn!" The fox pokemon says and looks at me.

Fennekin was my very first pokemon. I love her to pieces.

"Ready for another day?" I kneel down in front of her.

"Fenn fennekin!"

The pokemon climbs up my side and sits on my shoulder. I usually have Fennekin out with me for the entire day. I look to the right of me, and I see the bus. It stops and and opens the doors, I go in and walk up the 3 steps. I look around me. Many High school students and their pokemon fill the bus with chatter. I walk down the aisle and find the person I usually sit with.

"Hello, Dawn." I say as I sit down beside her.

"Hi bestie!!" She replies.

"Piplup!" A pokemon greets me who was sitting on Dawn's lap.

"Hello to you to, Piplup." I say as I pet it.

Dawn is my one of my best friends. She came from the Sinnoh Region. Dawn is known for her strong confidence. Dawn's hair is dark blue, held together by two golden hair clips on the front. She has blue eyes, but slightly darker than mines. Her outfit consists of a black mini dress with a pink skirt. She wears pink knee high boots. On her head, she wears a white beanie with a pink pokeball on it. Her yellow backpack sits to the side of her.

"How was your weekend?" I ask her.

"It was pretty okay, I guess. I pretty much slept all day. How about yours?"

"It was great. My pokemon and I went shopping at Boutique Couture in Lumiose City." I reply.

"Sounds fun!" Dawn smiles.

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