Chapter 5

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I hear my alarm clock ring.


I slowly lift my arm and press the snooze button.

"Just a few more minutes..." I groan and fall back to sleep.

"Pika..." Pikachu says as it stretches.

Pikachu notices me still asleep. He nudges me and tries to wake me up.

"No, not yet..." I turn to the other side of my bed.

"Pika?" Pikachu taps my arm.

Pikachu moves to the side of my bed and sparks his cheeks.

"Piikkkachuuu!!!" Pikachu lets out a bolt of thunder at me.

"AAAGGHHH!!!" I scream as I fall of my bed.

I cough, and smoke leaves my mouth.

I quickly stand up, fully awake and glare at Pikachu.

"What was that for!?" I shout.

"Pi pikachu." Pikachu replies.

"Alright. I'll get ready." I sigh as I scratch my head.

I start walking towards the bathroom. I walk past my mirror, and catch something unusual about myself.

"Huh?" I turn back to my mirror and take a look at myself.

"Aw man." I roll my eyes once I see how I look like.

My hair is puffed up and I am covered in black soot. Must've been from Pikachu's thunderbolt. I hear Pikachu laughing to himself from my bed. I have to admit, I do look pretty funny. I look at myself one more time and laugh along with him.

I grab my towel and head to the bathroom. I was going to shower later tonight, but now I have to wash this soot off. I don't want to go to school looking like this.

I take a 15 minute shower. I get out and brush my teeth. I then put my clothes on and leave the bathroom. I see Pikachu sitting on my bed waiting for me once I enter my bedroom.

"Come on." I say as I pick up my backpack.

"Pika!" Pikachu jumps onto my shoulder and I head to the kitchen.

I eat breakfast, hug my mom goodbye and walk to the bus stop. I can see Clemont is already there.

I walk up to him and notice his pokemon, Chespin standing beside him.

"Morning." I say.

"Good morning Ash." He replies.

Pikachu jumps off my shoulder and waves to Chespin.


"Ches chespin!" Chespin waves back.

I look at my phone to see what time it is. The bus is coming in 5 minutes.

I notice that Clemont's backpack is slighty larger than usual backpacks. I notice a compartment sticking out.

"Uh, Clemont? What's that on your backpack?" I ask as I look at it.

"Oh, this is one of my inventions. Watch and learn." He says.

He presses a button on his strap and a robotic arm comes out of his backpack.

"Woah...awesome!" I say with stars in my eyes.

"Hehe. It's called the Aipom Arm." He smiles.

I hear voices from behind me. I turn around and see Serena, Gary and May.

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