Chapter 10

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Ash and I arrive at the library. I find a computer and sit down, while Ash grabs a nearby chair and sits beside me.

"Looks like I have about 10 minutes to finish up my homework." I say while I look at the time.

"Alright." He replies.

I begin working.

"I thought you one of those people who always does their homework." Ash says.

"Well, I'm not like that all the time." I say.

"I can see that." He chuckles.

I playfully roll my eyes and continue working.

* * * * *

The morning quickly passed by. Sooner than I knew it, it was time for lunch. I managed to finish my homework earlier today, so I don't have anything to worry about anymore. Right now, I am sitting at a table in the cafeteria waiting for Dawn, Misty, May and Iris. I got here a lot earlier than usual, so I have to wait. I glance over at the table to the right of me. I look specifically at Ash. I find him admiring one of Clemont's new inventions. I keep looking at him for a while longer. What happened earlier... that was seriously the most awkward and embarrasing situation I've ever been in. I mean, not that I hated it or anything, I do like Ash, so it's normal for me to want more moments like that. But it just makes me feel slighty uncomfortable. This gets me thinking if I should tell him how I actually feel about him soon.

Suddenly, the sound of a tray full of food and drinks being placed onto the table startles me.

"Huh?!" I jump and quickly look away from Ash.

"I'm here!" Iris smiles and sits down.

"Took you long enough." I say.

"Yeah, sorry. I had trouble picking out what to get for lunch today." Iris sweatdrops.

Misty, May and Dawn arrive shortly after Iris.

"Oh man...finally lunch time. I'm already so done with today." Dawn sighs with exhaustion and puts her head on the table.

"Why, what's the matter?" May asks her.

"Math is so stressful. My teacher gives too much work, and expects us to finish it by the end of class." Dawn sighs.

"Did you get it finished?" I ask out of curiosity.

" hand hurts from all the writing." Dawn says.

"'s okay Dawn. It's high school, it's normal." Misty says.

Dawn doesn't reply, she just simply gives a small nod, showing Misty she knows.

"Does anyone have a tissue, napkin, hankerchief, anything? This burger is making a mess." Iris says.

Hearing Iris say that made me remember something. Ash's hankerchief. I need to tell them.

"Hey, um...I have something to tell you guys." I say, completely ignoring Iris' question.

"Hm? What is it?" May looks at me.

"So, you know back then when I told you I feel like I knew Ash?" I start.

"Yeah. What about it?" Misty says.

"I actually do know him." I say.

"What? What do you mean?" May looks at me a little confused.

"We met like, 8 years ago at a summer camp I went to." I say.

"Really? Wow. How?" Iris asks.

I take about 3 minutes to go over what happened at Professor Oak's Summer Camp.

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