Chapter 19

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"Ash! Wake up! You are going to be late for school!" I feel someone shaking my arm.

"Urg...not yet..." I groan.

"Pikachu, please help me." Delia sighs.

"Pika." Pikachu nods.

Pikachu sparks its cheeks and releases a thunderbolt at me.

"AAAGHHHH!!!" I yell and fall off my bed.

"Thank you." Delia pets Pikachu'd head.

"Chu!" Pikachu replies.

I jump back up on my feet and glare at both my mom and Pikachu.

"Did you really have to shock me?!"

"You forgot to set your alarm last night, so it didn't go off. I tried waking you up and you refused, so you left me no choice."

"Pika..." Pikachu nervously scratches the back of its head.

"You must've stayed up so late last night and forgot to set your alarm." My mom sighs.

I think back to what happened last night. After Serena and her mom left at about 11:30pm (yeah, they stayed at my place for that long), I remember jumping into bed right after.

"I was just so tired, and all could think of last night was sleep. Looks like I forgot. Oops." I sweat drop.

"Anyways, go get ready. You don't want to miss the bus."

"I'm not taking the bus today. I'm walking with Serena."

"Is that so? Very well. Just make sure to get there in time." My mom says as she leaves my room.

"Alright." I reply.

I get up and change out of my pajamas. I toss them into my laundry basket because it is covered in soot from Pikachu thunderbolt.

"Let's go, buddy." I leave my room.

Pikachu follows me downstairs, and jumps onto the kitchen table, waiting for its breakfast. I grab a bottle of ketchup and give it to him, while I take an apple.

"Pi?" Pikachu tilts its head, wondering why it isn't being given pokefood today. Not that it didn't like the ketchup.

"We don't have time. We are walking to school today, so we need to leave earlier than usual. Eat that while we walk."

"Pika." Pikachu nods and hops onto my shoulder.

As I make my way outside, I see Serena just exiting her house across the street, followed by Fennekin and Pancham. Good timing.

"Serena!" I call out to her.

"Hey Ash!" She waves.

I look to the other side of the road, just to make sure their isn't any car to run me over and kill me. I see that it is clear, so I start crossing the street over to her.

"Good-" I start before hearing a weird slurping noise.

I look down to see Pikachu slurping his ketchup very loudly, not caring about anything.

"Pikachu? Do you mind not making too much noise when you eat? It's a little embarassing." I sweat drop.

"Pi!" Pikachu sticks its tongue at me and continues slurping its ketchup.

"Fenn?" Fennekin tilts its head while watching Pikachu.

Serena giggles at him, while I cross my arms and roll my eyes.

"Anyways...good morning." I smile at Serena.

"Morning Ash." She smiles back.

"Please excuse Pikachu. He has no manners whatsoever." I look down again, to see Pikachu pouring ketchup into Pancham's mouth.

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