Chapter 8

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Ash's P.O.V.

I wake up to the blinding sunlight. I swear to arceus I closed the blinds last night. I glance at the clock, it is 10am. I look at Pikachu. He is holding the corner of the blinds.

"Pikachu, why did you open the blinds?" I groan.

"Pika!" Pikachu says and runs out of the room.

He soon comes back with his food bowl in his hands.

"Pika pi." Pikachu places the bowl beside me and points to it.

"You are hungry?"

"Chu!" Pikachu nods.

"Alright. Lemme change out of my pjs, then I'll feed you." I smile and pet his head.

I get up and quickly change. I walk downstairs, and I inhale the smell of bacon. I go to the kitchen, and find my mom.

"Hey mom."

"Morning Ash." My mom smiles.

"Is that bacon?" I ask.

"Yes, we are having bacon and eggs today." She replies.

"Sounds good."

I walk to the counter and grab Pikachu's food. I pour it into his bowl, and to top it off, I add ketchup. I place it in front of Pikachu.

"Pika!" Pikachu jumps and quickly begins eating.

"Here you go, Ash." My mom places a plate of bacon and eggs on the table.

"Thanks." I sit down and begin eating.

"What are your plans today?" My mom asks.

"I don't know. Maybe just stay home and rest. Yesterday was pretty tiring." I say as I take a bite out of my bacon.

"Oh, alright then." My mom replies.

Well, maybe I do want to do something today. I don't know why, but I feel like seeing Serena. Maybe I can invite her over or something, and work on our science homework together.

"Chu!" I hear Pikachu say.

"Huh?" I look down to see Pikachu squirting ketchup all over my breakfast.

"AGH! PIKACHU!!!" I shout and grab the ketchup away from him.

"Pi pikachu!" Pikachu takes my bacon and puts it into his mouth.

" can have it." I sweatdrop and give him the plate, I don't think ketchup and bacon make a good combination.

I walk to the living room, and sit down on the couch. I open up the TV, and watch whatever I find interesting. Pikachu quickly eats his last bacon. He runs over to the living room and jumps onto my lap. I watch TV for about 30 minutes, until I hear the doorbell ring. I turn the TV off and walk to the door. I open it, and it was Gary.

"Yo! Ashy-boy!" Gary says.

"Gary?" I say, surprised.

"Yes, it's Gary, who else would it be?" Gary smirks.

"Yeah!! Gary!!" I hear female voices.

"Huh?" I look behind Gary, and see his cheerleaders.

"What are they doing here?" I sweatdrop.

"Ehh, you know. Those girls are following me around everywhere. Anyways, I came here to get ya. I feel like going to the park with all the guys and having a battle." Gary looks at me.

"A battle?" I repeat.

"Yes!" Gary replies.

"Sounds good! I'm in!" I say with determination.

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