Chapter 17

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I find my mom packing a large box into her car.


"Oh, Serena! Welcome home! We are leaving and heading to the mansion in 10 minutes."

"What? Why? The party is not until tommorow." I raise my eyebrow.

"I know, but that huge mansion will take at least a day to decorate the entire thing. And I am sure your grandparents will be glad to see you a day early!"

Speaking of my grandparents. I wonder how they are doing, I haven't seen them in months. You see, when my mom was given the mansion, she didn't like the feeling of living in it for the rest of her life. She said it didn't feel right. She didn't want to leave the comfort of her home in Vaniville, so she let my grandparents live there.

"Okay...let me go pick out my dress for tommorow first." I reply as I open the door to my house.

"No, you don't need to. Before we head to the mansion, we will buy you a brand new dress."

"Really? Well in that case." I get into the car.

If it's something to do with shopping, count me in.

We drive to Lumiose City. Once we get there, my mom takes a left to Vernal Avenue. She parks her car right in front of one of the best shops in Kalos, Boutique Couture. This place has been one of my favourites. Even though I rarely buy anything due to the insanely high prices, I love spending time with my friends trying out all the clothing.

I quickly hop of the car, full of excitement. I love shopping, I couldn't imagine my life without it. I barge through the doors of the boutique, leaving my mom behind.

"Serena! Wait for me!"

I ignore my mom as I take the first step into the boutique.

"Ah! Welcome, Serena!" A girl approaches me.

"Hey Lucy!" I smile at her.

Lucy is the owner of this luxary boutique. I have come here so many times that I am recognized by all the staff that work here.

"Here to try on our dresses again? We have just recieved our shipping of the brand new dresses I have ordered!"

"Yes, but this time, I am not here to only try them on. I am here to buy one this time. " I give her a friendly wink.

"Well, I will be more than happy to assist you!" She replies.

I turn my head around when I hear a the sound of the doors opening. My mom enters through the doors.

"Grace! It's been awhile! I am guessing you are here with Serena?" Lucy walks up to her.

"Why yes. I am here to buy a dress for my daughter for her big party tommorow."

"Oh, is that so? Then how about a special discount for the birthday girl? How about...50% off the dress? It will be my treat." Lucy turns to me.

"Really? Oh my arceus, thank you!" I jump.

"You're welcome, just think of it as my birthday gift to you."

"You are the best!" I give her a friendly hug.

I reach into my pocket and grab Fennekin and Pancham's pokeballs. I toss them into the air, releasing the two pokemon.



"Fennekin, Pancham, would you like to help me pick out my dress?"


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