Chapter 34

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Ash's P.O.V.

The person I have been dating was the one who broke up Serena and I. I have no idea how she did it, but she somehow pulled it off.

I should've listened to Serena on that day... then all of this wouldn't be happening right now. But the way she ran off yesterday, I am not sure if she likes me anymore.

I look back up at Miette, Gary and Dawn.

"You guys are so annoying. I love Ash and all, but his friends are just so...ugh." Miette rolls her eyes.

"We are what?!" Dawn shouts.

"I can't stand this anymore." Gary sighs. "Let's go." He takes Dawn's wrist and drags her away.

Dawn doesn't say anything as she gets pulled away. She simply looks back at Miette and sticks her tongue out.

I turn around and head back. I don't want to be here anymore, there's so much going on in my mind.

"Pika pi!" Pikachu follows.

I go outside. I flop down beneath the nearest tree I could find. I place my backpack under my head.

"Pika pika?"

I sigh. "I'll deal with Miette later, Pikachu. I just need some time to take in what's happening."

"Chu..." Pikachu nods.

"Erg...I'm so stupid...I'm not going to be able to forgive myself for this..." I bring a hand up to my forehead.

I stare into the sky. How did Miette do it? Calem was kissing Serena, so did she team up with him to do it? Or was the kiss just an accident? Maybe Calem didn't mean it.

There are so much questions to ask. Either Calem is on Miette's side, or Miette used him.

"That's it!" I sit up from the ground.

"Pi?" Pikachu tilts his head.

Miette used Calem. That's why Calem tried talking to me the other day. He was trying to tell me he didn't mean it, because it wasn't his doing in the first place.

I saw things wrong on that day. Calem was right. I always jump to conclusions. I have no right to be angry at him.

"Pika pi?"

"Huh? Oh, it's nothing buddy." I lie back down. "Just thought of something."

Now I feel even worse. Calem is my best friend, why did I treat him like that?!

I need to go apoligize to him. And Serena too...I need to apoligize to both.

I take my phone from my pocket. I open up an album saved on my phone. I direct my finger and click on one of the pictures.

In the photo, I see myself making the goofiest smile. Beside me is Serena. The camera flash during the picture made her eyes twinkle. And her smile...I could never forget that. She looks so beautiful in this picture.

I smile as I look at the photo. Looking at this made me realize something.

I miss her.

I put my phone back into my pocket. Now that I think of it, there's someone else I need to apoligize to as well.

"Hey, Pikachu?"

"Pika?" Pikachu looks at me.

"I just wanted to say...I'm sorry."

Pikachu continues to look at me as I talk.

"For everything I have done. That day I just pushed you away and didn't listen. You tried talking to me, because you knew all along, right?"

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