Chapter 21

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Serena's P.O.V.

Two weeks have passed, and many things have happened. School prom has been announced, and grades 10 to 12 get to go. It will be held two months from now. I already can't wait. Though, that's just one of the few things that have happened.

Ash and Calem have been getting closer each and everyday. It's hard to believe they started out as enemies, but surprisingly now, they are best friends. They are always hanging with eachother nowadays. There are even some times when I would invite Ash over, and he'd would bring Calem along with him even though the purpose of inviting him over was to have some alone time with him. Sure, I did wish that Ash didn't bring Calem along, but it was great to see those two getting along so well.

Another thing that had come up was Miette. I totally forgot about her, since I hadn't seen her in the past few weeks. I just found out recently she went to the Sinnoh region. That explains her sudden disapearence. Well, she comes up to me this one day and tells me she knows about Ash and I. How did she know that? I didn't tell her, and I'm pretty sure Ash didn't either. Anyways, she tried convincing me that Ash wasn't a good enough guy for me, and that I should break up with him. Well, she can piss off, because never in a million years that would happen.

Lastly, Clemont's birthday was not too long ago. He invited us over to his place, and we partied. We did all kinds of things. Clemont decided to host a game of musical chairs. I haven't played that game since preschool, but it felt great to play it again. Gary ended up winning the game, and bragged about it for like, 10 minutes. Later on, Clemont let us use his gaming system to play some games. Of course, the guys were like pros at the video games, while us girls were, well...not so good.

Anyways, enough of that. Time to get back to present day. It is early in the morning, and first period will be starting anytime soon. Dawn and I are sitting under a tree, watching the guys play a short game of basketball before the bell.

"So Clemont decided to sit this one out?" Dawn says as she watches him.

I look over at Clemont, who is sitting at a bench, keeping track of the score.

"Mhm, sports isn't his thing." I reply.

"Pikachu! Pikachu!" Pikachu cheers from beside me.

Ash has decided to leave Pikachu with me for the time being so he wouldn't have any distractions as he plays the game. Pikachu has been rooting for Ash's side since the start of the game. Luckily, his team, which consists of him, Calem, Barry and Kenny, are winning.

"Kenny is so good at this game, don't you think?" Dawn says as she watches Kenny score a point for his side.

"Yeah, in fact, they are all pretty good." I say.

"True, but I feel Kenny is more skilled."

"Whatever you say." I giggle. I figure the reason why she is saying Kenny is more skilled is because she likes him, though she hates to admit it.

"Anyways, where are Iris, Misty and May?" Dawn asks, looking around for them.

"I have no idea, to be honest. They rushed into the school after they got off the bus earlier today. I haven't seen them since."

"Oh. Looks like they aren't hanging with us this morning." She pouts.

I hear the sound of footsteps, so I look infront of me. Clemont approaches us, and sits down beside Dawn.

"The game's done." He says.

"Really? So who won? Was it Kenny's team?" Dawn crosses her fingers.

"Yup! They scored 2 points higher than Gary's team." Clemont replies.

"Yes! I knew they'd win!" Dawn cheers.

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