Chapter 4

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"She lost." Ash says.

"Ehh. Sucks for her. I could've beaten Miette myself." Gary shrugs.

"Oh, shut up Gary." Ash rolls his eyes.

"You know it's true." Gary smirks.

"I'm pretty sure anyone could beat you." Drew says.

"Haha, very funny. I think you are talking about yourself. I happen to beat Kenny during my battle." Gary looks at Drew.

I walk back to my spot beside Dawn and Misty as my teacher announces the next battle.

"Serena..." Dawn starts.

"Miette is nothing. Who cares that you lost. You were great." Misty says.

"I'm 100% sure you would win your next battle with her." Dawn says.

"Thank you." I smile and sit down.

I didn't really pay attention to the last few battles. I just spent the time on my phone. I glance over at Ash, who seems to be pretty into these battles. It kinda sucks how I didn't get to see his full strength, thanks to that Wurmple.

"Okay, that wraps it up for today." My teacher says.

"You all did well, whether you won or not." She smiles.

The bell rings.

"See you all tommorow."

I get up and make my way to third period with Dawn. We get to class, and sit at the back of the class. Fennekin hops of my shoulder and sits on my desk.

"Did you do the homework?" Dawn says.

"Yup." I say.

"What did you get for question 6? I didn't have time to do it." She says as she takes her binder out.

"Here." I hand her my paper.

We are best friends, so I don't mind her copying off me. Also, I wouldn't want Dawn getting in trouble for incomplete homework. Our english teacher is quite strict.

"Today we will be starting story writing." My teacher says.

"Aw man. I really don't like writing stories." Dawn quietly says as she hands me back my paper.

"Why not?" I ask.

"I'm just not creative, that's all." She sighs.

"Don't worry, I'll help you." I smile at her.

"Thank you." She replies.

My teacher talked about how to write a story for the next 30 minutes. He told us about the proper structure, plots, settings, conflicts, things like that.

Time passed by, and the bell was going to ring in 2 minutes.

"Thank arceus we don't have homework." Dawn says.

"I know, I already have so much science work to do." I reply.

The bells rings, and I head to fourth period, math. I really don't like this class. It is my worst subject. Luckily, Iris is in this class too. She is a genius when it comes to this stuff, so I can ask her for help anytime.

I reach my classroom and head in. I see Iris already sitting in her seat with Barry beside her. I can't help but smile to see those two with eachother. The seats in this class are arranged in groups of four. I walk over and sit infront of her.

"Hello." I say as I place Fennekin on my desk.

"Hi Serena!!" She gives me the biggest smile.

I give her a knowing look as I move my eyes towards Barry. She blushes and glares at me.

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