Chapter One

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"I won."

I looked at Cassian smugly as I lowered my sword. "That's what, the second time this week?"

Cassian shot me a glare. He knew as well as I did that it was actually the third time this week, but I didn't deign to say that. I flashed him another smile.

"Oh fuck off Adria," he huffed, frowning as he crossed his arms. "I've just been..." He trailed off, as if he weren't quite sure what to say. "...distracted." He said finally, already looking deep in thought.

I glanced at him with concern before stalking off to go clean my sword. "Oh really?" I teased, trying to lighten the mood, "If you're distracted enough to lose, then how come you have enough time to visit me?"

Cassian flashed me a grin. "Well I always have time to visit my favorite cousin."

I laughed. "Aren't I your only cousin?"

"Well yes, but you're still my favorite."

I shook my head and began walking towards the house. "Are you coming?" I glanced back over my shoulder at Cassian trying and failing to wipe the sweat from his eyes. Wow, he really can't do anything for himself can he? Shaking my head I continued my walk. "Meet me at the house when you're done acting pitiful."

Squinting, Cassian grumbled. "I'm not pitiful, I just can't fucking see." I laughed and walked off.

I set a slow pace for the mile walk back to the house. I could have flown but I enjoyed the burn in my legs as I walked along the uneven ground.

There was something about being outside that allowed me to feel free - maybe it was because I spent most of my time outdoors and I'd grown to love it, but I was sure it went deeper than that. I'd always felt more like myself whenever I was outdoors.

I reached back and freed my stunning red hair from its loose braid. The wind immediately started whipping my hair around as if it was trying to tempt me. Since I was an Illyrian, the wind was always calling to me, hoping I'll unleash my wings and fly for eternity, but unfortunately that wasn't an option.

I glanced up at the sky. It was nearly noon. Time always seemed to fly whenever I was training with Cassian, even with as annoying as he was. Surveying my surroundings, I noticed just how beautiful it was outside. There were always the musical sounds of nature humming in my ear. I breathed in deeply. I loved this. The smell of strawberries, morning grass, and flowers wafted into my nose.

Suddenly I froze, as a foreign smell drifted by. I stopped for a moment, just breathing it in. It was a smell I hadn't scented in a long time.

I couldn't believe it.

Was that...were those....


I broke into a full on sprint, a smile lighting up my face. It had been forever since Finnigan had made anything for breakfast that wasn't just an assortment of fruits and I was starving.  As I bolted down the road the house rushed into view. Puffs of smoke drifted out of the chimney into the vast blue sky. I grinned at the sight - something was definitely cooking.

I burst through the door and there they were, sitting on the table waiting for me. I felt like I was in heaven. They were drowned in jam and honey and then carefully dusted in powdered sugar. I took a deep breath in. They all looked  flaky and delicious and perfect. I beamed and rushed over to the table, stuffing my face as fast as I could.

This morning was going fabulously.

"Oh. My. Gods."

I slowly turned around, trying to swallow the enormous croissant I had just stuffed in my mouth. I slowly lifted my head and I was met with the sight of my best friend standing in the doorway with her arms crossed.

Adria: A Sarah J Maas FancficWhere stories live. Discover now