Chapter Three

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I felt like I couldn't breathe.

What. The Fuck. Was Going On.

Cassian's body was slumped against a tree dripping blood. One arm was hanging limp at his side, and the other looked like it had been ripped into by something sharp. Cassians head was drooped to one side, his face covered in so much blood you could barely see him. And his wings, his beautiful wings. They were destroyed. Just sagging on the ground, some of the feathers had been burned off, and one was bent in an odd direction.

I wasn't even sure if he was alive. "Cassian?" I whispered. He didn't move. Panic seized my chest. "Cassian." I said again, this time a little more firmly. "Cassian, wake up."

His chest expanded as he took in a shaky breath, and he weakly twitched his fingers. I almost sobbed from the relief - he wasn't gone yet. "Hang on Cassian, I've got you. Just hang on."

I turned to Finnigan, she still appeared to be frozen by the sight of Cassian.

"Finnigan - how do we fix this?" I asked urgently. "Finnigan!"

She seemed to snap out of her stupor. When she looked at me, sympathy was already clouding her face. "I'm so sorry Adria, I don't think we can...."

"No, no, no, no, no! He's not going to die Finnigan! It doesn't matter how far fetched it is - think of something!"

Finnigans face scrunched up in concentration. Suddenly she froze. "Gods I'm so stupid!" She exclaimed. "Adria wait here, I'll be back!" She spun around and sprinted towards the house.

"Please, please, say she's got something."
I pleaded. I looked back to Cassian, there was blood seeping all through his shirt. Shit. I need to get this off of his wound - I don't want it to get infected. I reached for the dagger that I kept sheathed by my thigh. Moving carefully, I sliced right along the middle of his shirt, peeled it back and -

"My gods."

His chest was a quilt of scars and burns and cuts. I felt bile rise up into my mouth, but I managed to swallow it back down.

Where was Finnigan??

"Hang on Cassian, just a few more seconds."

I heard the sound of feet hitting the ground behind me. I turned and saw Finnigan running with a bowl and an armful of...air? What was she doing?

"Adria!" She panted, "I've... got it!" She dropped to her knees in front of me and put a giant bowl full of water on the ground. She quickly tossed in - I gasped - it was the translucent flowers I saw earlier. "Adria hurry! I need a stone or something to grind this with!"

I ran and grabbed the nearest rock I could find. "Will this work?" I asked hopefully.

Finnigan nodded and immediately started mashing the flower petals. Once they were properly broken up, she dumped them into the water and stirred the bowl until it was completely mixed together.

"Get Cassian to open his mouth."

I crouched down next to Cassian and tilted his head backwards. His eyes fluttered lightly. "Hey Cassian, open up your mouth okay? This is gonna make you feel better." His mouth cracked open ever so slightly. Finnigan was ready with the bowl and she gently tipped it into his mouth. He tried to swallow but coughed the liquid back up.

"Dammit." Finnigan cursed. "We have to make sure he swallows."

I nodded my head. Finnigan brought the bowl to his lips again. This time most of it went down.

"Good job Cassian, just a little more." I murmured. My heart rate was beginning to slow down - Cassian's breathing was becoming a bit more even and color was rising back into his cheeks.

Adria: A Sarah J Maas FancficWhere stories live. Discover now