Chapter Ten

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My heart started pounding. And not just because Tarquin was back - I was going to the Summer Court. Yes, I was being hunted by these ancient beings, and yes, my leg was pretty fucked up, and yes, my entire childhood was a lie, but look on the bright side - I was getting to go somewhere new. Yay.

Finnigan strode over to the bed and picked up the lantern. "He's hoping to leave as soon as possible - how's your leg feeling?"

I tried to slowly move it from side to side. "Better actually. The bleeding has slowed down, and it barely hurts when I move it."

"Good - If we're lucky, it will be healed soon."


Cassian came over and put one hand on my elbow and one hand on my back, helping me stand. My head already felt like it was spinning. I sat back down on the bed. "Guys, I don't think I can walk... I'm not feeling very good." I put one hand on my stomach, battling the wave of nausea that passed over me.

"Is it okay if I carry you?"

I nodded. He scooped me up, putting one arm under my knees, and the other behind my shoulders.

He carried me out of the cavern, Finnigan following close behind. As we exited the mouth of the cave, sunlight crashed in, temporarily blinding me. The bright liveliness of the forest was in sharp contrast to the darkness of the cave. Shielding my eyes with my hand, I looked around. The trees towered over the us, filtering stark beams of sunlight on the forest floor. The entrance to the cavern was shrouded in moss and plants, rendering it nearly invisible.

The beauty of the forest reminded me of the old home I shared with Finnigan. My heart filled with remorse. Even with my mixed feelings, it was hard to forget how many wonderful memories I had.

"Cassian, before we go to the Summer Court, do you think we could stop by the old cabin?"

He looked down at me. "You actually want to go back?"

"Yeah, I'd like to see it one last time."

He thought about it for a few seconds. "That's should be fine, it's not too far out of the way and we can travel quickly."

I turned my gaze back to the forest. I needed to say goodbye to that place one last time. And who knows, maybe I left something important -

"Look who's alive."

I turned my head and saw Tarquin staring at me, a teasing smirk on his face. He looked immaculate, the pale blue of his clothing matching perfectly with his eyes, and the gold trim of his shirt was highlighted in the sun.

I smiled at him. As crazy as this whole situation was, I was happy to see him.

"Ready to see the Summer Court?" He asked.

"Actually Tarquin, I have a stop I need to make first."

He tilted his head slightly. "Adria, you do know that there are murderous, century old beings chasing after you, right?"

Well when he put it like that...

"I really need to do this."

He hesitated for a second, but then he looked to Cassian and seemed to figure I'd be safe enough with him.

I bit my bottom lip and pretended not to notice Tarquin's eyes follow the movement. "Actually wait a second... If I go with Cassian, how will you and Finnigan get to the Summer Court? I don't want you to have to wait here."

"I brought a two horses - I wasn't sure if you all could ride, with the exception of Cassian, so I wanted to be prepared."

The Summer Court must be pretty close if he was able to ride here this quickly. "Okay... are you sure?" I didn't want to make this any harder after everything he'd done for me.

Adria: A Sarah J Maas FancficWhere stories live. Discover now