Chapter Twelve (Bonus)

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Cassian's POV :

I felt the rain running through my hair. I looked up at the sky, it was getting pretty dark out.

I took a deep breath in. I don't know why I was so nervous about this... wait yes I do, it's because I've been lying to my closest friends for what, years now?

I pushed open the door to the House of Wind. Silence greeted me. Huh. I guess everyone was already asleep. Or not sleeping... I felt a wicked grin pass over my face as I thought of Nesta.

Gods, I haven't seen her in a while now. Hopefully she was doing well in the mortal realm. She's been very helpful to the court so far.

I slumped down on one of the living room couches. Damn. I was really tired. Running back and forth between Adria and the Night Court was not easy. An unwanted feeling of guilt fluttered over me for abandoning Adria at her first ball, but there was no way I could have spent any more time away from the Court. Besides, Finnegan and Tarquin were there for her.

I sighed. To Rhys's knowledge, I was spending a large portion of my time in the Illyrian camps trying to subdue the rebelling recruits, and spending the rest of my time spotting any "dark forces" that may have arisen in Prythian.

Usually the whole "looking for bad guys" would be Azriels responsibility, but he is... preoccupied to say the least.

I shook my head and laughed silently at myself. I guess I had managed to find some dark forces anyway.

I groaned as I stood up from the couch. I needed a bed. I tried to walk silently through the halls - I mean, sure, I didn't want to wake anyone up but I also didn't feel like dealing with anyone at the moment.

I slowly walked through the house past everyone's rooms. I rolled my eyes once I realized how much further I still had to go to get to my room. Why was this house so big?

A sudden creak echoed through the silent halls. I cursed silently.

"Are you done sneaking around yet?"

Dammit. "How are you always so stealthy? It's kinda creepy Az."

Azeris raised an eyebrow at me, I swear he always knew exactly what I was thinking. "Stop avoiding the question. What are you doing?"

I crossed my arms. "Nothing. I just arrived late and I was trying to be quiet so I didn't wake you guys up."

"How considerate of you." He said dryly. He leaned against the wall. "How's it going at the Illyrian camp?"

"Not bad". The lie slid easily off my tongue - well not a complete lie. I did in fact deal with the issues at the camp, but I didn't actually stay long enough to see if my solution worked. That being said, I was... harsh to say the least. "You know the younger recruits. They feel restless and overly eager to prove themselves in battle."

Az shook his head. "If only they knew what it was actually like. I'm sure half of them wouldn't make it."

I nodded. It was to be expected, I mean I was the same at their age.

"Well if that's all, I'm off to bed..."

Suspicion was written plainly on his face, but he decided not to say anything, not now anyways.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2022 ⏰

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