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"Y'all are crazy as hell going to an outdoor pool at ten at night. They're probably closed anyways." I point out, adjusting the towel I had thrown over my shoulder as we walk through the pool's gate.

"We know the woman who owns the hotel that the pool is a part of, we already told her to keep it open longer only for us." Aleks explains, pulling out his phone and tapping a few things before the beats of some song I didn't know began filling the air.

I look over at Regan, who seemed perfectly relaxed and was already sprawled out on a beach chair. "You're not gonna get a tan at night, dummy." I say, thumping her forehead as I pass on my way to the actual pool.

She makes a face as she replies, "No shit, I'm just sitting here until they get the lights turned on." She points at the pool lights and the tall outdoor lamps that reminded me of street lights. I playfully roll my eyes and plop down on the pool edge, setting the still unopened bottle of Smirnoff between my legs. Thinking about whether or not I should drink tonight, I swish my legs back and forth in the water. Eh, what the hell.

"Aleks, toss me your keys!" I call, cupping my hands around my mouth.

"There's no way you'll catch them from where I am," he calls back from the other side of the pool.

"Just toss me the-" I get cut off by a wave of water hitting my face. "What the shit?" I exclaim, spitting chlorine water from my mouth.

"Sorry," Dex says from the water, looking up at me with a half-grin.

"If you can open this up I'll forgive you," I say, passing the bottle to him. He twists it open with no problem, giving me a smug look as he hands it back.

"Show off," I mutter as I raise the bottle to my lips, a frown taking over my lips after just a small sip. "This tastes horrible." I turn the bottle around in my hand to see what flavor it was. "No wonder why, it's grape."

"For the record I told Aleks that we should've gotten more than one flavor. His tasteless ass kept insisting we get only grape." Dex says, rolling his eyes at Aleks.

"Then why don't you two go get what you want? Regan and I are fine with grape Smirnoff," Aleks suggests, picking up his own bottle of the alcohol.

I shrug and stand up, readjusting my damp purple t-shirt and wiping water from my exposed legs.

"Let's go."


"Too weak."

"Nope, too strong."

"That stuff tastes like crap."

Dex and I banter back and forth in the middle of the aisle containing the various liquors and beer.

I throw my hands on my hips, "Well then what do you suggest we get?"

He holds up a case of hard lemonade and raises his eyebrows.

A sigh escapes my lips as I motion to the empty cart, the case coming in contact with it soon after.

"Now, can we just get out of here? It's already-," I check the time in my phone, "midnight."

"Yeah, God knows what those two are up to since we left them alone," he wiggles his eyebrows, earning a disgusted look from me.

"I really hope you're wrong," I say, scrunching up my nose.

He laughs, leaning on the buggy.

"I hope I'm wrong too."


hey guys! cookeh here, sorry for not updating for so long >.< and sorry that this chapter sucked ass but at least I actually wrote something haha


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