Free Soul

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"Uppity, up, up! It's eight o' clock!" I sing as I rip the covers off of Regan's sleeping body. She yawns and squints up at me.

"Aren't you supposed to be, like, getting ready for work instead of singing? I wasn't aware that I was living with a corrupt Cinderella." She mumbles and shields her eyes against the sunlight with her arm.

I pretend to be offended, "at least I don't start work 'til ten."

This seems to wake her up because her eyes abruptly open and she jolts up. "Shit," she curses as she jumps out of her bed and bolts into her bathroom. The door shuts with a soft click.

Regan and I both work at Costco, yes I know it's odd that we shop at Target instead of promoting the very store we work in but in our defense Costco was more of a 'buy in bulk' type of store.

Although we both worked in the same place she started earlier than me because she's a cashier whereas I'm just an associate who restocks shelves and such.

I begin to exit Regan's room to get ready myself when I hear her singing in the shower.

"It's a no from me!" I shout so she can hear. The singing pauses.

"Goddammit, Renae! When I'm showering two things get to be free, my boobs and my soul!"

I clutch my stomach in laughter and lean against the doorway for support. I'm still gasping for breath and wheezing out laughs when Regan emerges from the bathroom fully clothed with a towel wrapped around her wet hair. She gives me a serious look that lasts for a few seconds before she too starts cackling.

Our laughter subsides after a few minutes and she glances at the alarm clock on her bedside table before shrieking and literally sprinting out of the room to the front door.

"Adios!" I yell after her to which she waves back and shuts the door behind her with a slam.

I notice a shiny object on her dresser and sigh. She forgot her car keys. Oh well, I think as I retrieve the keys, a head start is always a good thing.

I catch up with Regan, which wasn't hard considering that she was frantically searching every pocket she had for her keys, and hand them to her. She gives me a sheepish smile before getting into the sleek black car.

"I may as well just go with you." I tell her, receiving a nod in return. I grumble over not being able to sleep in longer and clammer into the passenger seat. At least I was already dressed.


Hola wattpadians! Just in case yall didn't notice yet, ThatGirlieGirl will be updating every other chapter and I'll be writing the ones in between. Basically we'll just be switching back and forth every other week 😂


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