Calling Him

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I walked deeper into our apartment and went in my room. I dialed the number and put the phone to my ear. It rang a few times before I got a response.

"Hello?" I heard a male voice on the other line. I instantly got butterflies in my stomach.

"Uh, Hi. Uhh, is this Aleks?"

"This is he. Who's this?" He asked dumbfounded.

"This is Regan. You returned my hoodie. By the way thank you for giving it to me, that's my favorite hoodie" I said gaining some confidence.

"Oh, hi Regan. I didn't know you would call so soon."

"My friend sort of forced me to so, yep that's why I called so quickly" we both laughed a little.

We soon finished talking and made plans to go out for lunch tomorrow. I returned to Renae to see her on the couch with all of her snacks. As soon she saw me she sprung up knocking all of her candy on the floor.

''Aw man'' she said picking up the candy. I laughed.

"Well, are you gonna tell me how it went or what?" She asked with a mouth full of gummy bears.

"Well we just talked a little and made plans for lunch tomorrow. No biggie" I said as she stopped chewing.

"No biggie? Yes biggie. You just made plans with a super hot guy" she said with a straight face. I don't know how she can keep a straight face when she talks.

"I'm sure he has a 'super hot' friend too" I said while wiggling my eyebrows like she did to me on the way home from Target.

"Oh, shut up" she nearly yelled catching me off guard.

"Shhhhhh. The neighbors are gonna tell the front desk we were too loud again" I said in a quiet voice. Renae sat down and continued eating snacks and watching spongebob.

•Next day at 10:00am •

It was already 10 and I hadn't done anything to get ready for lunch with Aleks. We were going out to a little restaurant about 15 minutes away.

I quickly hopped in the shower and did my business. I put on a pair of jeans, a blue and white sweater, and black combat boots. I brushed my teeth and hair then put on a little bit of make-up.

I grabbed my phone and went to Renae's room. I had a terrific idea. Since I had some spare time I filled a large bowl with water and ice. I would pour the bowl on her and quickly run out of the apartment so she couldn't catch me.

I walked back to her room with the water and walked over to her bed. I poured the bowl of ice and water on get and ran out of the apartment as fast as I could grabbing my car keys on the way out. I got in my car, which was a black Mercedes Benz that my parents got me for my birthday, and looked into the window of our apartment to see Renae looking out. She was soaked.

I pulled out of the small parking lot and laughed as I made my way to the restaurant . I walked in and saw a brown fluff of hair. I walked towards what I assumed was Aleks,which it was, and sat down.

"Hey" I said with a small smile.

"Hey" an awkward silence commenced. The waitress then walked up to us and asked if we wanted something to drink. I got sweet tea and Aleks got water.

"So, how have you been since yesterday?" I asked trying my best to spark up a conversation.

"I've been good. How about you?"

"Just swell."

"Um, well what do you do for a living?" I asked

"I make youtube videos. How about you?"

"I work at Costco, so does my best friend. The one I called a doofus when you returned my hoodie" I said with a small chuckle.

"Oh, right. What's her name I didn't catch it?"

"It's Renae" I replied. Right then the waitress came back with our drinks and we ordered. Aleks and I both ordered as she walked away again. We contined to talk as we waited for our food.

When the food came we ate and Aleks insisted that he payed.

"Thanks a lot, Aleks. I really enjoyed myself." I said as we both walked out of the restaurant.

"No problem" he said

"And Regan" I looked at him.

"I was wondering if you wanted to hang out again sometime?" He questioned his cheeks getting redder by the second.

"Yea, of course. I would love to"

"Ok, then I guess I'll see you later" he said and walked towards his car.

"See ya later" I said and walked to my car. I drove home and got into the apartment. As soon as I walked in Renae pulled me to the couch.

"Woah, woah, woah. What's the problem?" I asked oblivious as to what was happening.

"The problem is you haven't told me about your date with Aleks yet" she answered with a "duhh" look in her face. I told her about my "date" as she listened to every word.

I finished and she didn't look impressed.

"What?" I asked. Renae rolled her eyes.

"What?" I asked a second time.

"You mean to tell me you guys didn't kiss each other on the cheek or anything?" She finally answered. This time I rolled my eyes.

"Renae it was our first time hanging out." she narrowed her eyes at me and then looked back to the T.V which had Family Guy playing. I joined her in watching T.V as my mind kept wondering off to Aleks.

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