Cashier's Duty

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Regan's POV.

As I continued to drive to Costco, pretty fast may I add, my phone buzzed in my cup holder. Renae being the nosy one she is,grabbed my phone and looked at the screen.

She squealed in excitement which made me swerve the car.

"Jesus jazz dancing Christ Renae" I said laughing as the dude in the car next to us gave me the middle finger for nearly hitting his car.

After the "near incident" Renae and I both began singing to the song Don't by Ed Sheeran. The song ended as soon as we pulled into a car park at Costco.

We both hurried out and ran in the store. We always did this to play a small joke on the customers. We would run in and act all nervous then stop and casually walk to the back and get our vests and to clock in.

We did the usual mini prank, got our vests, clocked in, then we both headed to the register. I worked as cashier and Renae just walks around to help and to restock shelves and such.

"So why did you nearly kill us when I was driving today?" I asked taking a seat and the round, tall spinny chair behind the register.

"Oh, you got a text from Aleks" she said causally like it was no big deal anymore.

"Ok, I'm really starting to question if you're on drugs or not" I said being sorta serious. She just laughed and walked towards some customers that had walked in.

I continued to check out and bag items when I saw someone familiar coming in the store. I looked and saw it was Aleks. Except it was a baby faced Aleks.

If honestly took a lot of willpower to hold in my laughter at Aleks' naked face as I ringed up a teenage couples items. When the couple left I told them to have a good day and quickly took out my phone. I looked at my texts to see that I had gotten a text from Aleks.

Aleks: they made me shave.

He had sent a picture of his face. I replied

To Aleks: I saw you when you and your friends walked into Costco XD

I could see him looking at his phone as he counties to walk with his group if friends. Aleks looked all around him and then towards the registers. He talked a little and then walked over to me.

I put a smile on my face and and said

"Hello Aleks, how might I help you today" I tried my best to act like I was actually going to help him rather than just calling Renae to the registers.

"Yes, I would like to know if you have any, I don't know, giant stuffed bears?" I laughed and picked up the telephone thing and said,

"Renae please come to register 2. Renae register 2." I saw Renae as she looked around a shelf at me and then wiggled her eyebrows. I rolled my eyes and motioned for her to come over.

"Take over the cash register I'm gonna go help them with their giant bears. But shhhhhhh don't tell Shane." If you're wondering Shane is Shane the snitch. If you do a single thing wrong he will tell our boss about it.

"But, I don't know how to work this thing" she replied.

"It tells you what to do on the screen doofus" I said hitting her on the back of the head like I did when Aleks returned my hoodie. Aleks couldn't contain his laughter and burst out laughing.

"Good luck you'll need it" I said and walked away to show Aleks and his friends the giant bears. As we walked Aleks made small talk.

"So, how's life going?" He asked.

"Well, life is life at the moment" I replied as Aleks let out a chuckle. We arrived to his group if friends and I lead them all to the bears.

"K, you can choose what ones you want and I'll ring them up for you"

"Um, excuse me, but how are we supposed to get more than one?" A man with black hair and a beard asked.

"I'll surely help get them out to the car and everything" I answered the black haired man. We got the bears in two carts and they paid. I pushed a cart and Aleks pushed a cart.

I started running and yelled

"Race ya"

"Ha, jokes on you. You don't know where the car is." I mumbled Swedish curses under my breath. I don't speak fluently in Swedish but I sure do know how to curse.

I sighed in defeat and followed Aleks to the car. We started by trying to push one bear into the trunk. They told me to sit on it and push it in. Wow some helpers they are.

I sat on the bear and they pushed in the sides. I nearly fell in the trunk but Aleks helped me out. Next the black haired dude sat in the back seat.

All three of us Aleks, person with a red hat, and I pushed the second bear into the backseat.

"Jesus jazz dancing Christ he's going to suffocate" I said after we got the bear in.

"Eh, he'll be fine" red hat said and got into the car. Aleks stayed out and I started walking to the store again,but Aleks pulled me back by the arm.

"I'll call you later and maybe we can hang out after your shift?" He questioned with a nervous look.

"Yea I'd like that" I said giving him a fist bump/high five/ hug awkwardly since we had no clue what to do.

"Thanks for the help by the way" he said as I started walking away. I started walking backwards.

"It's my duty as a cashier to help you guys" I said turning back around. I began running to the store and to the register.

"How'd you do over here?" I asked Renae as she got off of my stool.

"No customers" she said as she shrugged her shoulders

"Renae the light has been off the whole time"


•After Work•

I unlocked the door and walked into Renae's and I's apartment. I instantly. Headed to the back of the apartment and pulled out my phone. I dialed Aleks' number and waited for him to answer.

"Hello?" He answered.

"Hey" I said

"So what's up Regan?"

"Oh, yea. So you said you would be available to hang out after my shift. It's after my shift."

"Right so I was thinking you could meet some people. You'll love them"

"Alright under one condition" I said.

"What is it?"

"I get to bring Renae"

"Sounds like a plan" he said. We said our goodbyes and he said he'd pick us up. I texted him our address and changed his contact to 'Baby Face Aleks' while I was at it.

I ran out to Renae to see her stuffing her face with twizzlers.

"Be ready Aleks is coming to pick us up so we can meet people." I said as I continued to walk past her.

"What?" She said mouth still full of candy.

"I said to be ready doofus" I told her as I sat down to watch tv. Renae joined me and we kept watching spongebob and eating candy.

Hello peeps! It's ThatGirlieGirl and yah. New chapter 😂. Until next time

Peace,love, rubber gloves ❤️

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