Harley Ace and Floyd Eddie trying to escape

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Deadshot is in his cell with Eddie

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Deadshot is in his cell with Eddie.. They look at each other.. "What do you think that is about?" Eddie asked.. They could hear the guards rushing down the hall.. Not just one or two of them, a lot of them.. They sounded like they were marching in a parade.. Deadshot tilted his head to the side.. "I don't know.. But it sounds to me like something is going down." He said, watching Eddie.. How was he going to protect him now he thought to himself.. "Do you think they are coming for us Dad?" Eddie asked, with a smile.. "Maybe, best you get behind me son." Deadshot said.. "Really Dad?" Eddie said with a smile.. He knew he could hold his own with the Belle Reve Guards..

Harley and Ace are in their cage.. Harley has her back to the door.. Ace is facing her.. Harley has regurgitated some sought of blade.. "Ya know that is gorse Mum." Ace said to her.. "Ya wanna get out of here?" Harley whispered.. "Of course." Ace said with a giggle.. As Harley shoved the blade into her hair.. Ace screamed then laughed.. "They are coming Mummy!" Ace said giggling.. "Prisoner's, get down on your knees now!." Griggs yelled at them.. There was excitement in the camp.. You could hear it in his voice.. "Down on your knees! Hands in the air, Turn around." Griggs yelled at them.. Harley falls to her knees, as does Ace.. "Hands up high." Griggs yells at them.. Both girls hold their hands up high.. They have their guns pointed at them, you can see the red dots on their prison uniforms.. "Hey we are cooperating, all right?" Harley said as she looked and saw the red lights on Ace.. "This is us being cool all right?" Ace said in an unsteady voice.. "Take her." Griggs said to his men.. As the guard goes to put the handcuffs on Harley, she pulls him towards her.. Ace kicks out at the other guard.. While Harley does a handstand and takes the first guard by her legs.. She brings him down. Where Ace jumps on his back she begins to scratch out at him.. Just like Aunty Jade, and Selina have taught her to do.. "Die Scum" Ace yells. Before she is pulled from the Guard kicking and screaming.. "Don't touch her!" Harley yelled, turning to go the Guard.. As she did this they tasered her.. She went down.. "Harley!" Ace Screams.. "Let's go, move, move." Griggs yells at them.. While Harley was out the Guards strapped her into a wheelchair, while Ace was strapped onto a moving trolley.. "Gotta give ya A for trying girls." Griggs said as they led them away... Harley and Ace began to laugh......

Deadshot and Eddie are in their cell.. They are waiting for the guards to enter.. "Yeah, open the door!" Deadshot yells.. "Yeah, bring it on." Eddie said standing behind his father, like he has been told to do.. Both of them have been practicing their boxing.. They are in fight mode.. The guards who are in full battle gear, rush in together.. They taser Deadshot, Eddie stands with his hands in the air.. "You win." He said with a laugh.. "For now." He whispered to no one.. The guards strap Deadshot into a wheelchair, but like Ace, Eddie is strapped into a moving trolley..

The huge container has been flooded with water.. The guards open the door, Chato and Zuko both roll out with the water, as it rushes out.. "Hit them." One Guard yells.. "Hurry up before they can smoke us both up!" The other Guard yells.. So while they are laying on the ground in the water, they are stabbed in the neck with knock out drugs.. They are both strapped to moving beds.....

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