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Chapter 1

When Tonya got married, she was only twenty five. That was her mother's words,

"You are only twenty five Tonya, are you sure you want this?"

"Twenty five isn't fifteen mom, I'm not a child anymore" tonya's words.

Technically she wasn't, but most people didn't think it was old enough for her. Tonya had a friend on Facebook who complained or rather whined about what her mummy wanted, not mother but mummy like a twelve years old.

This girl was twenty-five, but sometimes Tonya doubted if she was past sixteen.

Tonya would remember what someone said about this thing called age, the woman or man had said that age was just a number.

"...So many people, mistake this age thing for the real deal, he is forty so he is mature, you get to listen to whatever he says. He's just twenty he hasn't seen life yet so you ignore what ever advice he has to give.

They forget that many times an eighteen years old is more smarter than a forty years old, and sometimes, that twenty years old who hasn't seen life yet has more to offer than that forty years old man" so Tonya just reasoned,

"Well she's just a child."

Evan her husband was thirty. No one objected, no one expected her to marry her age mate. Tonya was a hopeless romantic.

"it was love at first sight," she told her friends anytime they came together to discuss feelings.

"Awwn" one of them would say

"Yes really. I didn't bump into him like in the movies, I was just sitting there, he came, sat down and said, you are beautiful. "

"Well that's like in the movies" the 'busy body' one would utter

"Whatever__" Tonya would say then wave her off and continue, "at that moment, I looked at him and knew with all my heart that I would never forget that voice nor the smile."

Then she would smile in a dreamy way.

The kind Evan loved, he wasn't a romantic or a hopeless one, but he liked the idea of romance.

However his woman, she was one, he never hated it for once though. Even as she chattered on and on about the kind of flowers she wanted at her wedding, at first he thought it was because she was young. But he ignored the thought because twenty-five wasn't young.

He realized not so long after, that she was just a romantic who loved trying out new things. Some of which where, of-course crazy.

On their wedding day, his ex had been there, but he hadn't noticed cause he was watching a beautiful woman come towards him. Her veil covered with petals. Her gown was made of flowers.

Not real ones definitely, the hall was decorated with flowers, scented with flowers...they had imported real roses, from the red roses, to the yellow roses, purple roses, blue roses, lavender roses...

He had the money and he would give her what she wanted, he would love her as long as he was alive so help him God. And that was what he had promised her on that day.

Her promises with starry eyes,

"Whatever it takes Evan I'd love you for as long as the stars never go dim"

He knew then, he would never not want her even in his next world.

Tonya was adventurous. Once she had considered trying out ski diving when she had gone to Europe with her friends, that didn't end well obviously, she spent her last days in the hospital with a broken ankle.

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