~Chapter 11: An Epilogue

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    Thinking about it now it sounded lame, in a bid to spice up her marriage she had given another woman, a stripper, to her husband.
Yes, she had heard somewhere that it worked, but then men would always be men. Tonya knew she was lucky to have found out.

If the pregnancy had been really his, she could have lost her husband forever. Even if somewhere along the line maybe, just maybe there would still be love in his heart but she knew still that she would lose him.
    Tonya knew he might leave the rest of his life blaming her, cause she could still have walked out.

     Tonya sighed, she was in the wrong and she was going to ask him to forgive her, in a way, she had pushed him into this temptation. She only hoped he wouldn't fall into this kind of temptation anymore, cause he was human, no matter how much she meant to him he was still human and humans? Humans are prone to mistakes.


  When she walked into their home, she saw him, sitting on the sofa, his shoulders slumped, with a bottle of hennessy in his hand.

"Are you planning on drowning yourself in that?" She asked aloud, he stood turning around immediately.

"You came back" he muttered, he hadn't noticed her come in. "How long?"

"Just now," she went over, sat looking up at him.

"I don't know how to start..." She began, "but i realize Evan that I did something horrible, it shouldn't have happened. Like we are married, I shouldn't be doing things that most unmarried couples did, but you know how I am...
Always trying out something new," she scoffed, now she could only stare at her hands which was folded on her lap. "I am sorry Evan for...for everything I put you through."

  He came to her, bent and touched her face so she could look at him.
"I am sorry too for not thinking straight,"

"You were drunk." She replied

"Not dead drunk, I could have stopped everything, but I let hormones do the thinking," then she burst into laughter.

"This is all so funny to be honest," he was laughing too.

He got himself first then stared at her.
"What?" She asked amidst giggles,

"You are Lovely."
Her face went hot suddenly.

"God, you make me shy like a twelve years old Evan,"

"That's what I would keep doing for as long as I'm with you,"
He muttered as he leaned in kissing her.

   Few years down, Tonya would take in. She would give birth to a boy. She would name him Malachi.

Evan would take the little one in his arms, his eyes welling up with tears, he would try blinking them back but they be would all come dropping like raindrops in a storm...
    Amidst tears of joy and laughter, more laughter. He would sit beside Tonya whose asleep cause she's exhausted, kiss her on the forehead and whisper while looking at little baby Malachi.

~in the end we are all

And maybe,
  Just maybe our endings would be beautiful

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