chapter 10

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   After she had eaten to her fill, she came back to sit beside her mom.
"He cheated," she muttered "he shouldn't have, he should have respected our vows but he didn't."

"I didn't know you wanted a perfect man. No one is perfect Tonya and I expect you to know that."

Tonya sipped her water with a sigh.
"I still wasn't expecting him to do that"

"You were not expecting him to cheat on you or what?" She turned to her mom.

"Why are you treating this like it's... just casual?" She asked exasperated.

Agatha sighed, "it's casual...most men are polygamous in nature. You haven't told me what exactly went wrong?"

"What?" Tonya couldn't hide the astonishment on her face.

"I just told you that he cheated on our marriage..."

  Her mother accessed her for a while.

"Your dad isn't perfect...most married men cheat on their wives, there is no excuse for that act but then, like I said no man is perfect. No woman is perfect in-fact, Tonya no-body is perfect everyone makes mistake, it's how you choose to handle them that matters"

"Did Dad ever cheat on you? On your marriage?" Agatha scoffed.

"Maybe...maybe not"

"Tell me mom."

"It's a long time I handled it. That's all that matters...I forgave him and that's why we are still happy together."

", your level of patience is extreme."

"Well without patience and understanding you can't move forward. You shouldn't be blinded by a man's fault. We are talking about you, now tell me, how did you find out? Was it something you heard?"

"You know I don't do gossip mother"

Agatha accessed her daughter it was obvious the young woman was hiding something.
"Tonya, You have to tell me the whole story,"

"It's quite long..."

"Start from somewhere," Agatha muttered.
Tonya sighed.

"Well...I kind of brought in someone, a lady. It was supposed to be a one night stand mom, but he went on sleeping with her!"

Agatha shook her head then stood, walking to the kitchen, Tonya went after her
"Why ain't you saying anything?!"

"What do you want me to say?" She replied, pouring herself a glass of water. She took a sip then sighed. Tonya waited, arms crossed.

"Let me get this, in a bid to spice things up in your brought in another woman, what for? A threesome?"
  Tonya relaxed against the counter.
"Not really...I wanted to relieve him of stress, you know make him have a taste of something new. I read somewhere that bringing in a third party sometimes spicened up your relationship, stuff like that."

Agatha tsked, "most of us women are the ones who push our men into this kind of temptations all the time. Who...where?"

"A stripper...I found her at a club one night. I just wanted him to have fun. That night though he was kinda drunk."
Agatha sipped her water again, dropped the cup on the counter and turned to her daughter.

"You where trying out something your marriage by bringing in another woman, what ever happened to Kama sutra Tonya? You could have gotten that book and asked your husband to try out the different styles in them! Since you are all about something new.

Not bringing in another woman You really think it works for everyone? God, Tonya I thought you where all grown up...!"


"Shut up and let me finish. You are going to go back to your husband and apologize. You are the one who made the mistake here.
You had no right, no right at all to bring someone-else into your marriage without your husband's consent"

"There was consent"

"He was drunk..."

"Mom we can't justify what he did. Fine that one night was a mistake. But he went for her again and got her pregnant!"

That made Agatha pause for a while.

"Well...turned out it wasn't his" Tonya shrugged.
Agatha massaged her temples.

"I can't keep getting stressed out because of your childishness Tonya...I am glad you've handled the situation, you are going back to your husband right now. What you did was wrong. Think about it on your way home...go...leave my husband's house." she said pushing her out of the kitchen.


"Save your whines for your husband."
Agatha pushed her until she was outside. She walked her to her car, Tonya had a scowl on her face as she got into her car.

"So you won't blow your mom a kiss?" Tonya didn't glance at her, "anyway, make sure you and your Evan come by for lunch sometime."

Tonya nodded and drove off, her mom chuckled as she waved.


love will always be the strongest force on Earth. No matter what you believe.

And mistakes will always be made no matter how perfect you feel they should be!

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