Chapter 3

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   They had both woken up earlier than usual, Even was eating breakfast.
"I had know idea this would taste this good"

"Don't be silly that's just scrambled eggs"

"Well you haven't made it are a fast learner"

"Whatever...well I need to learn new dishes before the babies are born. And you need to learn to, cause in a few months time I won't be standing here doing would be a reverse function"

"That's very funny, I would have to employ your mom and my sister"

"Your sister...whose due anytime soon" she raised her brow while stirring the contents in the pot.

"Still, they have more experience than me, I am only good in bed" she laughed

"You want more?"

"What do you think?"

"Then come and take it yourself"
He shook his head as he stood.
"You're being disrespectful woman," she stuck out her tongue.

"Ain't you hungry babe?"

"I've got no appetite babe" she said as she closed the pot, then lowered the heat.
She felt something wet in her panties but she ignored it.
Then suddenly she felt a sharp pain, she groaned.
"Hey babe are you ok?" Evan put off the gas and came to her, she held onto the counter.
"I don't think so..." She reached down to feel it, her trousers was all wet.
Her water couldn't have broken now, wait what?

"Is that...?" She heard Evan ask, did he say blood? she stared at her hand then back to her husband who looked beyond frightened.
Then she was laughing uncontrollably...despite the pain.
"Babe...hey babe, look at me it will be ok"
"What the fuck is happening?" She asked amidst laughter and tears
Evans felt his tear slip.
"Let's go to the hospital"
"This can't be happening"   she fainted.

Time stopped.
"" Evan kept muttering, he couldn't lose them not now, not like this...not ever.
"Tonya..babe...hey..." He tapped her cheek gently but she was passed out cold.
He picked her up immediately.
He didn't keep her in the back seat.
He laid her on his laps in the front seat, he didn't care about anything...not even the traffic rules as he rode to the hospital.


He couldn't sit...he kept pacing. Evan wanted to know just one thing
Was his woman ok?

The doctor arrived later to give him the news.
Evan sank to his knees.
"God...I know you are up there. This shouldn't have happened" he muttered.
"You can see her" he heard the doctor say, he nodded, getting up quickly he needed to see her.
Tonya was all Evan had.

He broke into tears as soon as he was at her would he tell her that their babies were gone?
They where going to have twins. Tonya had wanted this, she had done everything so this children would come...she had been so happy, and now, they were both gone.
'One could have stayed, to ease the heartbreak' he thought.

But sometimes life doesn't give us exactly what we want even when we feel it's the right time. Life would break our hearts.

Tonya drifted in and out of consciousness for a week. Her parents came around, friends too. Evan never left her side not even the doctors could send him away.
It was his younger brother who helped bring his clothes, his cousin sis urged him to go out and eat.
Work and food were the last thing on his mind.

She finally regained consciousness fully on a Friday morning, after a week.
There was only Evan by her side...he had his arms wrapped round her, so when she strirred, he opened his eyes immediately.

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