Chapter 2

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  One morning a year later, she discovered she still hadn't missed her period...she burst into tears. She really wanted a child, yes, she had told her husband that she was willing to wait but she had stopped taking the birth control pills a long time ago.
And Evan didn't know.

But then, she was careless cause he found out two days later. She was flushing it down the sink when he came into the bathroom.

"What are you doing?" He asked, she jerked, turning around.

"" she didn't know what to say, "these are expired pills," she lied finally. He accessed her for a while then bent to pick the empty container.
"When did you stop taking them?"

"I just told you they are expired" he blinked several times, she knew he was trying to control his anger. "I'm so sorry Evan, I wanted to tell you but..."

"You always have explanations Tonya" he said through gritted teeth, "if you wanted children you could have told me, but you decided you'd do well deceiving me"
"I'm sorry Evan. I didn't know how it was going to affect you"

"You know so well Tonya that I'm down for whatever you want. I could have been with you all the way T, I hate it when you lie to me or try to deceive me" He said leaving her alone.

"You wouldn't have found out if i wasn't so careless" she muttered under her breath.
But she felt a little guilty.

  "Why don't we go out? Unwind a little?" She asked him days later.
"But you just coming in from work ain't you tired?" He asked
"I am." She rolled her eyes, yawning, "but not today, maybe this weekend. we could try something spicy."

What she meant by spicy, was them socializing, meeting new people. Trying out new things.
"Oh not again Tonya" he unbuttoned her shirt.
"Why?" She looked up at him with a pout, then she bit her lips
"No c'mon" he took her shirt into the bathroom, when he came out she was sitting there looking all stunned.
"What's wrong babe?"
"You don't find me attractive anymore?" She asked,
Woah...where had she gotten this? He thought
"Damn Tonya...why would you think that?"
She shrugged.
"Looks like it." He sighed
"Of course not I still adore you babe"
"Then why don't you..." He kissed her slowly at first, then with enough passion to knock her out.
She held onto him tightly.
Then suddenly she paused.
"What is it?" He asked quietly
She touched her lips, smiled__
"nothing" she whispered leaning into him again.

He laid her on the bed, he wasn't planning on going slow on her...she wanted this. He knew, he could see it in her eyes.
He spread her legs, took off her panties and went down on her.
Tonya moaned as she buried her face in a pillow...she reached down to massage his hair.
She really needed this.
"Ohh evan...I love you" she moaned.
He smiled between her legs.

"Do you still want us to go out?" He asked hours later, she curled into him
"Nooooooope" I like it here. "Ohhh you smell soooo good" she moaned sniffing his neck
"Stop doing that" he giggled, he was going hard.
She ran her hand down his torso to his man parts.
He caught her hand
"What?" She asked
"C'mon...we both need to get up early tomorrow" he said
"Shhh" he placed a finger to her lips to stop her from whining, then he picked her up into the bathroom.

They both forgot they had to get up early the next morning, the moment she went down on him.

Months later.
Tonya knew it...she didn't need a soothsayer.
She knew it deep within her, but still she needed to be sure.
"you'd get the result in a week's time Mrs Jordan" the doctor told her, she nodded, mins later she was out of the hospital.

She was practically floating when she walked into the office, her secretary noticed.
"How are we doing today Tonya?" She had forbade her employees to call her any title other than her name.
"We're more like friends here" she had told them.

"Great" she said
"You are practically glowing"
"Uhh really?"
"So what's on my schedule today?"
She zoned out as soon as Mira began reading out her schedule.
'what would his expression be like?' She wondered.
Oh he was going to be so proud, she knew.
Mira tapped her, bringing her back to reality.
"Oh I'm so sorry. I just have this exciting news on my mind" she said.
Mira hoped the news was worth it.

Tonya was in a state of euphoria. She got the pregnancy kit on her way home.
Evan wasn't home yet, so she fed herself with the pizza from previous night, she wasn't in a hurry.
But her patience soon ran out, she went into the bathroom to pee...she waited with impatience but it didn't take long, the smiley face appeared.
She screamed with joy, "thank you God," She muttered quietly.

When the test results came out, she didn't bother opening it she already knew.
It was two weeks later in bed, at 4:00am that she told her beloved husband.

She couldn't sleep, the excitement was intense.
She had tapped him gently at first, then blew a kiss into his ear but he hadn't she tapped him vigorously.

Evan jumped up startled
"Are you ok?" He asked with shock written all over his face.
She nodded, when he saw there was nothing to be afraid off, his shock turned into light fury
"Then why the hell would you wake me up like that?"
"I'm so sorry," she said quietly.
"Fine...go back to bed" he turned on his side
"I am pregnant." She blurted out but quietly.

Evan tensed, was this another of her joke? He thought, If it was, he was going to kill her.
He sat up immediately, "you can't joke with something like you know that?"
"Yes...yes, I know," she reached into the bedside drawer and brought out the envelope, she handed it over to him.

He took it still staring at her, she made to stand up
"Where are you going?"
"I need to get something...hold on," she said rushing into the bathroom.
When she came out with the kit, she saw he had opened the envelope, his hands were shaking as he read the contents.
"Oh God...oh God" he muttered, he didn't wait for her to come to him, he went to her.
"You've made me the happiest man all over again" he said drawing her close.
"Won't you take a look at this one?"
"No...that paper is the real deal" she smiled wrapping her arms round him
"Thank you Tonya."
She rolled her eyes, "it should be thank God, but you are welcome."


PS: I feel so excited for them!

Can't wait for the next chapter.✨

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