Chapter 6

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  It was coincidence, pure coincidence, that was what she was going to say if he ever asked how she found out.
She drugged him. Sleeping pills. She almost gave him an overdose.

Days earlier,
Tonya had watched Evan sneak around the house making calls and replying messages, she knew it wasn't work. She knew it with everything in her because she had gotten another photo.

This time, she knew it was him...he was wearing the vintage shirt she had gotten him sometime ago, she could've said maybe it was someone else. Cause not one person could own a shirt, several people would have to be interested in that particular design for it to sell.

  But this shirt had been made specially for him, by a distant cousin of her's, and the lady had assured her that there wouldn't be anyone else with that same design!
And there he was, sitting right there smiling zoomed the photo.

"This couldn't be right," she muttered, "it could have been anyone else why her? And pregnant? Is she really pregnant?" She asked no-one in particular as she zoomed till the final stage.

Well the woman, the stripper she had gotten to make her husband happy was pregnant and her husband was sitting in a fancy restaurant with her sipping wine!

Tonya had called his office right away. His secretary, had forgotten that her boss had ordered her not to take any calls directed to his office that day, even if it was his wife.
"Anyone who calls, either you tell them I am busy or you just hang do not take any calls." He had made it clear, but of course, she had forgotten that simple instruction.

"I want to speak to my husband Evan," she didn't bother being professional.

"Uhh Mrs Jordan my boss isn't in right now...can I take a message?"

"Oh of-course not, thanks," she hung up with a deep frown.


So tonight, she had drugged his food. It had taken a long time for it to have it's effect but when it finally did, she heaved a sigh.
It didn't take long for his phone to ring, she bit her nails, it rang and rang.
Then a message came in.

She couldn't see it cause his phone was fingerprint locked, this was the time she wished with all her heart that she knew his Password or had her finger print registered on his phone too.

Since he was deep asleep, she carefully took his thumb finger and pressed it against the fingerprint sensor, it unlocked. She tapped on the message but, she was met with not just one, but floods of messages.
All from the same number, one in particular caught her eyes...where he was asking or rather telling the person to take care of herself.

Tonya was fuming with rage, he was cheating on her. She knew it with all her heart.
The tears threatened to spill, but she blinked them back. She sat at the edge of their bed going through the messages...she couldn't help but wonder if maybe he had brought the lady to their matrimonial home at some point. She sighed.

Tonya wrote down important details she needed, the woman had even sent him pictures, she scoffed as she sent them to her phone.

The last message read, "call me sweetheart," she itched to text back something really hard but she controlled herself.
From her little findings the woman's name was Rosa.

            There would be times, feelings we are         unable to forget


Evan woke up really late the next morning, he couldn't believe he had overslept. He rushed into the bathroom.

His phone rang immediately he stepped out of the bathroom, he knew it was Rosa. He hoped his wife wasn't home as he answered the call.
"Good morning honey," he heard the moment he placed it on his ear

"I have warned you several times not to call me that!" He said through gritted teeth.

On the other end, Rosa smiled caressing the Belly ring on her already bulged belly, "I need you, your baby does. I called last night to hear your voice but you wouldn't pick up" he sighed with his eyes closed,
"I fell asleep, I was too tired," he explained, sitting.

"Of course after your rendezvous with your wife" she was jealous, it was right there in her voice.

Evan scoffed, "like you said she is my wife Rosa,"
Just then his wife worked in.

"I will call you soon,"  he hung up.

"Good morning." She was already dressed for work, he wondered why she was still home. It was nine thirty. "Who was that?" She asked hoping he didn't notice her fake smile.

"Oh just my secretary, calling for..."

"Oh nevermind," she cut him off. Hung her bag. "Coffee is ready, breakfast too."

She left him without a goodbye kiss or hug, he noticed, cause she did it everyday.
So he went after her still in his towel, he met her halfway down the stairs...
"Are you ok?!" He asked aloud,

She turned, "of-course any problem?"
He nodded, spreading out his arms, she unwillingly came into his arms. She didn't linger.

"Go get dressed, you are late already," she said and was gone.


Tonya was at work, but she wasn't. Meaning, she was sitting right there in a meeting with executives but her mind wasn't there.
A question was directed at her but she was lost in her thoughts to hear.
"Ma''am?" her PA tapped her, she came back to reality with a start.

She glanced around, everyone had a concerned look on their faces.
"Are you ok ma'am?" Someone asked, Tonya nodded,

"Maybe we could hold this meeting another time, is that ok?" They all nodded, "thanks" she said standing.

  Tonya left the office straight to the club where she had found Rosa. She stayed in the car for several minutes asking herself if she was right to do what she was about doing?

She also replied herself that yes she was right. "I am only trying to save my marriage," she said then got out of the car.

Tonya fixed her scarf so it was covering half of her face and put on her shades.
She went straight to the manager's office, at-first the guards wouldn't let her in.

"Who are you?" One of them asked, she took off her shades, fixed a really bad glare at them.

"Tell your manager, Mr Shegun, that he's got a really important client from Abuja," she replied.


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