~chapter 8

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Rosa filed her nails as she waited for Evan to come to her, her plan was already underway.
She just needed him to give her enough cash and he wouldn't hear from her again, of course she couldn't let him know that.

A woman walked in dressed mysteriously, a black really long dress, black scarf and huge sunglasses.
She looked like a spy, that was the thought that struck Rosa's mind before she went back to her nails.

Evan came in minutes later, she wished she wasn't in so much mess she could have taken him all to herself.
His woman was lucky.
He sat beside her, "how have you been?" He asked
"You could as well give me a kiss..." He raised his brow, "here," she tapped her cheek.
Evan sighed and leaned towards her.

  From where she sat sipping a drink, Tonya was ready to pounce but she managed to restrain herself.
"So...what have you decided?" She asked him

"I can't leave my wife, I can't..." Rosa rolled her eyes.

"I'm not asking you to leave her completely, I just want us to have time to ourselves..."

"You've had me to yourself more times than I can count"

"But you always go back to her"

"She is my wife."

"Then marry me," tears welled up in her eyes, this was supposed to work, she watched the emotions hit his face.

He leaned forward cupping her face.
"Don't do that here...yes you are carrying my child but I'm legally married to that woman and I love her with my heart. I can't break her heart it would mean breaking mine too," he explained.

Rosa sighed, he really loved this woman. She sniffed.
"Then I need a favor, I need some money or you send me abroad." Evan wiped her eyes then sat back.

"What exactly do you want? Need?"

"I need some money," he sighed

"How much?"

"Eight hundred thousand..."

"What for? That's almost a million"

"You can afford it Evan, I really need it."
Yes he could afford it, that wasn't an argument, he just hoped it would take a long time for her to ask for more.
It always looked like she used the baby as an excuse to extort him, but he couldn't complain.
He was about writing the cheque, when someone came to their table.
Rosa stared mouth agape.
Evan stared up at the person...the woman, dressed in all black.
Slowly she took off her shades.
"Tonya!" Evan sounded...shocked. Bewildered. surprised. How? How did she know? When did she find out? So many questions ran through his mind.


  She sat not taking her eyes away from either of them.
Her husband who had his face in his hands. Rosa who found the table cloth fascinating at that moment.
Finally she spoke.

"You could have told me, I would known what to do...but instead you chose to sneak around with her," she sighed, she had no idea where to start from.
"I...I thought we had reached a stage where this was under-rated? At least look at me, say something, anything" she said.

It took a few minutes, but finally he looked up at her.
The disappoint was writing clearly on her face, "at least say you are sorry" she muttered.
Evan couldn't utter a single word.
She turned to Rosa. "And you? You had just one job, make him happy. But you chose to use that against me. Did you think for one moment that you could take him away from me?"

"Tonya," she turned to him

"Oh now you can talk?" She was all calm, it made his heart ache.
He could have known what exactly to tell her if at least she showed an ounce of emotion...but she was just too calm.

"Rosa...you think I would never find out about your little scheme?" She scoffed. "I had no idea my husband could be this stupid."

Then she stood brought out a cheque and dropped it on the table. She couldn't stay with them any longer,  just talking to them was making her mad.

"I want you to go back to your boyfriend in Brazil, i need you to leave my husband and I alone."
Rosa scoffed.
"And what if I don't honey?" The nerve...Tonya thought. She could have turn this woman to pieces right here and now but then, Rosa was pregnant.

She didn't want someone's blood on her hands. Definitely not a child's.
"Then I would have know other choice than to report you to the authorities..." She replied.
Rosa didn't flinch.

"On what ground?" She asked.

"Extortion and prostitution...you extort men by lying to them with your false pregnancy. You recruit young girls and fly them to different countries for prostitution. You sell drugs too in little quantities...I know everything Rosa, I know you owe a really huge sum of money to a man whose threatening to take you down. It would not take long to lock up your boyfriend in Brazil."
Tonya watched as the color drained from her dolled up face.

"You...you are bluffing"

"Call it...call my bluff Rosa. I dare you Margaret" she had called her real name.

"Margaret?" Evan who had been speechless due to shock was beyond shocked now.
None of them turned to him.

"But I am really pregnant"

"I know that, but it's not my husband's."

"What?" Evan muttered.

  Margaret opened and shut her mouth, there was nothing more for her to say...Tonya had all the info. She was done here. She stared at her as she left.
Evan stood, She glanced up at him.

"I..." She started, he slapped her. The shock was there. She couldn't react, she deserved it and she knew.
  After he had left, she glanced at the cheque...a million, she could have added more zeroes, she had done so in the past.
But she knew she wouldn't go free this time.


Tonya heaved a sigh of relief as she got into her car. She had controlled it so well, the anger, the hate...suddenly she was sobbing uncontrollably.


...sometimes love isn't enough!

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