Chapter 7

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It didn't take long for them to let her in, once she was seated, the manager asked.
"So what can I do for you? Time is money you know"
"Ah, I know that," she said while opening her phone...she then pushed it towards him.
The man looked from the phone back to her,
"What's this?" He asked
"Who's this?" She asked
"Your question, should be who is this?"
"Don't tell me you don't know the girls who work for you,"  he leaned back in his chair.
"Are you a detective or what?" She scoffed
"Anyway tell me about her,"
"I am sorry ma'am but I can't do that."
Tonya sighed, of course she hadn't expected this to be easy.
"This lady was hired by me to relieve my husband of stress, I just wanted her to do a strip tease or something other than sexing him. But she decided she wanted to have his child."

Tonya explained, she saw the shock on his face.

"But Rosa...was given simple instructions, she isn't supposed to leave with a client. We don't do that here, not without permission. That's why she hasn't been to work." he was practically speaking to himself.
"So now you know her. I didn't even know her name until I went through my husband's phone and came across chats with her. Anyway I will go straight to the point...I need to know every single thing about her"
"We can't"
"Ok then," She took her phone back and went through it, without looking up at him she said, "__I'm sure it would interest detectives, police officers, to know that there is a club in town that owns an underground drug factory,"

Tonya finally looked at him, there were little beads of sweat on his upper lip, he was so uncomfortable.


  It had been mere speculation! she hadn't expected him to give up information so soon.
It was little but worth it.
She never knew about an underground drug factory, but what was the use anyway? She had gotten what she wanted.
She placed her head against the steering and laughed so hard.
"Men are just pathetic," she muttered.

As days went by, Tonya plotted out ways to get them red handed.
"Or should I just make her disappear?" She thought one night, "but that's what a psychopath does...I'm not one. I can't even live with that."
She glanced at her husband who was sleeping peacefully beside her.

Tonya went to bed a little past four am, Evan sat up quietly and went to the balcony.
He knew something was wrong, he could feel it...the air around them was so tensed. It was suffocating.

These days, his wife wouldn't even look him straight in his face when she spoke or asked him questions. She hardly spoke to him, hardly touched him and when he touched her, he'd feel her tense.
Evan could feel and sense Tonya's withdrawal.
Was she cheating on him? He couldn't help but wonder. Deep down though he knew he was wrong, she wouldn't.
He massaged his temples.

Suddenly it occurred to him that maybe she had found out about Rosa.
Maybe that was why she always had a scowl on her pretty face. But then he wasn't sure.
He was going to speak to her later in the day, take her out for dinner and ask her if she was ok.

But later in the day Tonya wasn't available, she didn't even pick his calls.


  She watched the lady come towards her, this mysterious lady dressed in black who had offered her a huge sum of money just for one tiny information.

The lady sat down opposite her, flipped her hair and took off her glasses...she observed this lady who smelled of new money.
Maybe she should have upped the price. She thought as she puffed out smoke.

"Here's a cheque of six hundred thousand," the lady dropped it in front of her, it was more than they had discussed, this was cool business.
Tonya watched the girl's eyes lit up as she stared at the cheque. Money was really good.
Finally she cleared her throat, glancing around.
"What do you want to know?" The girl asked placing the cheque into her little purse.
"Everything you know about your dear friend Rosa," Tonya turned back to her.
Rosa wasn't really her friend, so it wasn't going to hurt to tell.
"Well..." she launched into how she had met Rosa, discussions they'd had about her life.
She finished with a shrug. "Her life's not that important," she said making Tonya scoff.
"Oh you have no idea" Tonya muttered standing.
"If I may ask, why the interest?"

"You should have asked that before selling off your friend honey," she replied and was gone.
Chantele puffed out smoke with a shrug.

  Tonya closed the door slowly as she stepped into the house, she wasn't trying to sneak in but as soon as Evan switched on the light she flinched.

He raised a brow, she looked anywhere else but at him. Tonya wondered why she felt guilty.
"We were supposed to go out on a date, but you stood me up," he said
"I am sorry," she muttered
"It's almost ten where have you been?" She fixed her gaze at him, he stood.

"I just said I am sorry, what's with the questions?" She made to move past him but he held her back.
"What is going on T?" She released her hand from his grip.
"You know I hate it when you call me that!" then she was gone leaving Evan looking all stunned.

What was happening?

He had his head in his hands, Tonya ignored him as she passed by into the kitchen.
Evan couldn't even go to her, like he could feel the tension in the was going to suffocate them if they continued like this.

Just then his phone rang, Tonya heard it ring she paused in sipping her drink but didn't make it noticeable. He picked, she went through her phone but tried her best to catch up with his conversations, she knew it was Rosa.
It took everything in her not to confront him.

She didn't blame him though, he was been duped and had no idea, how clueless could men be? She scoffed.
He ended the call and came to her.
She glanced at him and noticed he had a box of...Pizza, in his hands. Her heart softened a little, she had been craving pizza for a long time.
But she still didn't smile.
"I got this for you,"
"Really...what for?" Her was
voice dead, it held no emotions. Evan signed dropping it in front of her.
"It's your favorite, no occasion. I just thought I should get it for you...a bowl of ice cream is in the fridge" he finished.
"Thanks," he nodded and left to their bedroom.

She waited a moment before she dug into the pizza, pepperoni was so her favorite...she moaned as she took a bite.

  As soon as her head hit the pillow she fell asleep. But in the middle of the night when Evan caressed her, she turned to him.
Her eyes shut as he kissed her, the last thing she would do was deny her husband pleasure again.


And it's a Damn!

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