Chapter 4

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Tonya was dressed to kill in the little blue sequined dress.
He wore a tuxedo...with a tie. Tonya giggled when she saw his outfit.
"How do I look?" He asked

"Like a preacher"

"Really?" He turned around accessing himself in the mirror, "I thought I looked more like a gentleman."
She went towards him, "take off the tie" she said, as she loosened it.

Evan stared at her, her lips were full, she smelled good, good enough to eat.

"Maybe we should just have our own private party" she smiled, unbuttoning few buttons of his shirt, she made him shrug off the jacket.
Now he was standing in his black shirt and black pants. She stepped back to access him.
  He looked good, she saw, with his broad shoulders and muscles. Any woman would want him.
She was wet down there just staring at him, she bit her lips. He came towards her

She giggled stepping back, "no!" Evan groaned.

Tonya went to the drawer and took out a gold chain, "wear this..." She handed it over to him, "it brings out the attire."

He nodded, putting it round his neck.
She made him turn to the mirror, "you look handsome" she commented
"You look sophisticated..."

"That's enough. let's go have fun!"

She dragged him out of the room, the the car.
"The least you could say is thank you," he said as they got into the car.

"Thank you Love...I will drive"

"No!" He couldn't let her drive, she drove like a maniac...he always had his heart in his mouth anytime she drove.
But he had never told her, because she enjoyed it.

"Pleasee" She pouted blinking her eyes, hell no, he thought, she placed her hand on his thigh.

"If you go any further, we're going to have an accident"



  He let go of the steering wheel. Tonya made her way over to his side, then sat on his laps, "you definitely ain't going to drive like that"
"It's fun."
He mentally face palmed himself, as he shifted over to the passenger seat.

Tonya loved the windows down when she drove, she loved the feel of the wind in her hair.
She loved driving really fast, when she was younger, she had joined a car race, not because she wanted to win but for the thrill of it.
She had been the only girl racing among several guys, Tonya had ended up with a minor head injury which only her Dad knew about.
They had found a way to cover the scars.

  Evan tried his best not to scream, she beat the traffic light...his only prayer was, they wouldn't have a fatal accident.
And they got to their destination safely.
He heaved a sigh of relief as he stepped out of the car, she rushed over to his side.
"You would be the death of me woman" he muttered as they made their way into the club.

Evan couldn't count how many men she danced with, she was a really good dancer...especially when it came to lap dances, she did it like a pro. She was wild like that.

It was time for the strippers to come out, he had no idea this was a strip club, he glanced at Tonya who sipped her drink beside him calmly...her eyes glittering with excitement.
He leaned towards her, "are you really excited?" She nodded, smiling up at him, she leaned towards him

"Are you uncomfortable?"
She knew him so well, he shrugged nodding,

"drink...alot" she whispered in his ears.

He did drink alot.

Tonya watched the girl's moves. They were killing. It even made her wet, the girl was a professional she glanced at her husband who was intoxicated by her movements. Suddenly she had an idea.

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